Result 1 - Good practices

Good practices

According to our project plan, each partner collected 15 good educational practices published in their country related to the teaching of media literacy and fight against dissinformation and fake news. Partners determined good practices according to the following criteria and rubric. 

If the marks are 2, 3, and 4, we will consider it a good practice. Not all aspects will have to be answered. 


0: there is no relation with the aims of our project. 

1: although it is not very clear or the goal is not headed to it, there’s something that could be used with major modifications (there is not a proper objective, but it has something to take advantage). 19 

2: There’s something related to this point, but it is not successful/complete enough (the intention is good, but the application wasn’t as good as it could). 

3: it is observed a clear intention to this point, but it could be enhanced. 

4: it is totally headed to this point with a successful result. 

Good practices.pdf