Year 3

Welcome back! We trust that you and your children had a fantastic summer break and are now rejuvenated and eager to embark on another exciting year of learning. We are thrilled to present the Year 3 curriculum newsletter for the autumn term, where you can explore the incredible learning opportunities that await your children during this first half of the term. 


In English, we will be reading the touching story of 'The Hunter' to write a first person narrative. Through this, we will be exploring descriptive language, researching endangered animals as well as linking this book to our global skill of sustainable development.  


In Maths, the children will be recapping then building on their knowledge of place value, involving moving on to three and four-digit numbers. They will continue to rehearse using addition and subtraction column method to solve calculations. 


This half term the children will be learning about rocks. Through this, they will distinguish between different types of rocks as well as being able to explain how they are formed. They will ultimately discuss the question: 'Why don’t all rocks look the same?'

Knowledge Organiser


In history, children will be learning about the significance of The Stone Age period, developing their understanding of change over time and adapting environments. They will research various aspects of the topic in order to discuss the question: 'How did the prehistoric era develop a sustainable society?'

Knowledge Organiser


The children will be exploring how digital devices have changed the way we work. From this, we will learn about the physical components of a network, input/output devices and how digital devices can be connected.


This half term in R.E, the children will be exploring how different people believe the world began. We will discuss and share different beliefs from different religions. 

Knowledge Organiser


This year, PE will be split into two sessions per week to keep in line with the DfE guidance of 90 minutes of PE per week. Year 3 will have an indoor session focusing on the skills within gymnastics and an outdoor session of dribbling and passing within football. 


The children will be developing their skills of printing with this terms topic of fabric dyeing in the style of African print.  


The children will be using Charanga to consider how music can help us resolve friendship issues as well as making peace with any conflicts.


In French, the children will begin to learn about the country France as well as begin to learn how to greet each other in french as well as learning colours and numbers.

Knowledge Organiser


The children will identify how to resolve conflict, to recognise and respect different types of families as well as exploring ways in which to show respect and courtesy to others around us.