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You can also donate funds directly to our group campaign here and watch it grow: https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/operation-wallacea-indonesia-2025-tp6/donate/
3. Sponsor Us
You can sponsor us by providing some of the items we need or sponsoring a particular part of the expedition. Please email us if you can offer any of the following, we will then provide the BACS details for the Inspiration Trust Expedition Fund and your name or company logo will be listed instead of the email / sponsor this button. The students may also be able to do product reviews for anything you provide.
Travel from Thetford to the Airport and back in the school minibus (includes carbon offsetting*)
I would like to sponsor something else/ can provide other pieces of kit/ wish to give another amount
Meet the Team:
Taylor Mark-Conlon
I'm hoping to go to University in 2025 to study Physical Geography. I am really interested in environmental sustainability and pursuing climate change research. This expedition will help me understand how local communities deal with global environmental issues.
Tyler Mark-Conlon
I'm keen to see the biodiversity of Indonesia and learn ecological survey skills. I believe by conducting surveys, they will give me good skills to carry forward with me in the future.
Sarah Blakey-Stoppard
Seeing a completely different culture appeals to me, alongside the physical challenges of learning to dive whilst completing vital environmental research.
Demi Sadler
I love the great outdoors and camping. I am really interested in ecology and all the conservation research we will be conducting. I would like to learn more about their local wildlife and ecosystems both onland in the rainforest and in the ocean.
Sam Wilkinson
I think that going to Indonesia would be an excellent opportunity. I love swimming and have collected many medals from competitions. I think that diving in the coral reefs would be amazing.
Kennedy Freeman
I am really interested in seeing different ecosystems and experiencing coral reefs environments. It would be an amazing life opportunity to pursue. I have always had a love for listening to David Attenborough speaking about biodiversity, and our planet.
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Events such as our Car Wash, Bake Sales and our Quiz night are all on there for you to have a look!
* Carbon Offsetting for mileage provded through the Wallacea Reforestation Initiative by donating £10/tonne of CO2 emitted to the Wallacea Trust (UK Charity 1078362)