What's Love & Poetry?

Love & poetry is an eTwinning project that students of 2nd ESO of Els Planells Secondary School will carry out, during the second and third term, together with other students from Spain, Portugal, Italy, Ukraine, Romania, Moldova and turkey.

The aim is getting to know students from other countries and develop an interest for reading by learning about European poetry.

Students from all partner schools will communicate in English and work cooperatively doing all kind of tasks that you will be able to see on this website blog.


The significant impact of Covid-19 pandemics and the consequent lockdowns made students turn to digital practices and many have put books and reading aside. It's important to go back to reading poetry, an important cultural heritage. Clearly, in this digital era reading has become a challenge. With this perspective in mind, this project will make us become more interested in poetry and in our national poets

This project aims at fostering students' reading and writing skills both in English and our mother tongue, as well as to develop communicative skills, critical thinking, creativity and ICT skills.

The project planning was designed in a cooperative way, and partner schools will communicate regularly through the Twinspace and/or videoconference and/ or email. We will meet students from other countries, learn about each other’s poetry and significant authors and write a collaborative poem among many other activities.


-Foster students’ passion for reading and writing.

-Nurture students’ imagination and enhance their creative thinking and literary skills.

-Develop collaborative and critical thinking skills.

-Improve reading, writing and speaking skills in the English language, and simultaneously develop students’ linguistic competence in their mother tongue.

-Get acquainted with representative poets of European literature.

-Cooperate and work collaboratively.