How did we do it?

How did we do it?

Step 1: We did a brainstorm, and we had a lot of different ideas. Later, we voted what was the best idea to do.

Step 2: We got inspired with other Global Scholars' previous projects to have more ideas.

Step 3: We made groups to brainstorm more ideas for our action.

Step 4: We voted the ideas together to prepare the project and wrote together the community action goal.

Step 5: We made a padlet to share the researched information and to get inspired to create our posters.

Step 6: We recorded a video to explain why plastic packaging is a problem and what we can do to solve it.

Step 7: We designed many informative posters to share our project with the other classgroups. Also, we created a poster to promote our event (you can see it on the homepage). We also visited the other classes to tell all 1st and 2nd ESO students about the event.

Step 8: We sent an email to Alcampo and Oficomplet, two shops in our city, asking for reusable products for our stall. The letters were in Catalan because we supposed that they don't speak English. They agreed to participate in our project. They lent us reusable bottles and bocn'rolls to sell in our stall.

Step 9: On the Insdertosa Green Day, we interviewed 1ESO and 2ESO students, we had a stall to inform people about the dangers of plastic and to sell reusable bottles and bock & rolls.

These are the reusable bottles and bock & rolls.

We sold almost all the things.