Community action project:

Insdertosa Green Day

Barcelona, Insdertosa. 1 ESO F

The "Green Day" is a plastic free day event to make students and school staff aware of the plastic issue.

Community action goal and action:

Our goal:

Our goal is to make people aware of the need to reduce the amount of plastic packaging that is wasted in our school in order to minimize its global impact.

Why plastic packaging is a problem?

Because almost all products have minimum one layer of plastic packaging which creates a lot of plastic waste. Most of this plastic waste ends up in natural places such as our oceans and then it harms the environment. In the survey of unit 4, we learned that our community worried a lot about plastic packaging issues, so we decided to do our community action project on the issue.

What is our action?

Our action is the "Insdertosa Green Day", a day free of plastic.

This is the promotional poster we created for the event.