The second ring

The slovakian ring

The Slovakian have the red ring. Slovakia is represented by the high school Cirkevná Spojená škola Snina. This high school is located in Snina, the capital in the district of Snina in the region of Prešov, Slovakia.

The Slovakian people work about healthy and the environment. A problem that is very serious and it's important to talk and to think about it.

To work about this theme in our school we did two videos.

In one of theme, we talk about the environment in our high school. We explained what do we do in our school to improve the environment in this area, what can we do... On the second, we want to people think about of this problem in our area, the pollution.


The environment in our school


The environment in our area

The environment in our high school .mp4
The environment in our area.mp4

Antoni Pous i Argila is a green school, but, what does it mean?

A green school search for refocuse the education to a sustainable development.

In our school, doing trips and activities, we direct the studies to a better way to the envoironment. Beacuse of this, we grow with positive values related to the environment.

In Osona we have a big problem with tha tropospheric ozone, a contaminating and dangerous gas. Many times high levels have been measured in the air and it causes difficulties for people who breathe it.

Impact of the project

After searching information for the project, I've noticed many environmental problems that I didn't know and now I am aware of the bad things that happen and I have stopped doing many things that were bad for the environment.