Research Areas

Geometric and Semantic Mapping

Geometric mapping is the process of accurately representing the spatial geometry, including the shapes and positions of objects, both in 2D and 3D spaces.  Semantic mapping complements this by adding an additional layers of meaning and context to the elements in the map. Geometric and semantic mapping is essential for applications that require a deeper understanding of the environment, but also fostering intelligent interactions between humans and GIS. 

Spatial Data Computing and Analysis in GIS

GIS applications, combined with the complex nature of industrial and environmental problems, are required to pursue interdisciplinary researches. Our research interest ranges from spatial data quality assessment; to designing spatial reference frameworks; to developing spatial operation and analysis methods; to spatial context information modeling to various areas such as navigation, roadway infrastructure management, and smart city

Planetary Geospatial Information 

The recent discovery of water-ice on the Moon has significantly enhanced the potential for long-term human exploration and habitation, particularly with advancements in in-situ resource utilization (ISRU) technology. Our research in planetary geospatial information technology is dedicated to the development and application of robotic mapping technology and GIS-based system for lunar exploration and the establishment of lunar bases.