
Visit the Online Nature Classroom for some great outdoor ideas for our students.

Nature Classroom

Listen to the story of Manukura, the White Kiwi and other N.Z. stories here or at :

Backyard Biodiversity

Dr Emily Roberts and Ash Muralidhar want to encourage us into our backyards to discover what bugs, birds, lizards and plants live there. They will also provide top tips about how to improve habitat for native species using materials available around the house and garden.

You can access their videos on any one of these sites or start with the videos above.

Each week on Tuesdays and Fridays, they will be posting episodes/videos that will include a call to action.

This is going to be fun!

See if you can make a projector out of a cardboard box for your family to enjoy a movie together on the 'big screen'

Have some fun seeing you can make some foaming slime.

Gloop fun!!

Get creative with flowers and leaves around your house.

A fun way to make a piece of art using flowers and leaves, sticks and other things found in your garden.

Who can make a water elevator?

Watch the video about CLOUDS

  • Go outside and name the clouds you can see

  • Draw the clouds you can see

  • Take a photo and post it on seesaw

Can you name the parts of the brain?

Why do we need to protect the brain?

What are they ways we can protect the brain?

Share your ideas on seesaw