IISD COVID Information
Ingleside ISD will employ the process as outlined below as of March 11, 2024:
If an individual who has been in a school is test-confirmed to have COVID-19, they will follow the COVID response protocols that are in alignment with CDC guidelines as published below.
It is not a requirement as outlined in the Texas Education Agency's Public Health Guidance, published on August 1, 2022, to publish district case count.
As per the Texas Department of State Health Services, most individual cases of COVID-19 in Texas are no longer required to be reported to public health. However, there are some situations in which COVID-19 would be reportable, including outbreaks or an unusual group expression of the disease. This includes reported COVID-19 associated outbreak(s) in any population or facility such as schools.
Preventing Illness
We hope to receive your continued support as we try to do our part to lessen the potential spread of illness. We also ask that you please consider joining us in the following guidelines for preventing illness. Please see the list of reminders below:
Practice excellent handwashing procedures, and encourage students to do the same (minimum 20-second scrub with soap all over hands and forearms, every time);
If soap and water are not available, clean hands with gels or wipes with alcohol in them;
Encourage students to wash hands before every meal, and remind younger students not to place hands (or toys, pencils, etc.) in their mouths;
Help your student remember to cough into his/her elbow or forearm, instead of into his/her hand(s), and away from others as much as possible; and
Please consider promoting wellness by staying home if you or your child may not be feeling well or develops a fever.
COVID-19 Response Protocols- Updated as of March, 11 2024
If students or staff members test positive for COVID-19, they are no longer required to quarantine for 5 days.
The following criteria must be met for readmission to school/work:
Fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever suppressing medications. Fever is a temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.8 degrees Celsius) or higher.