
You can use DMM to perform a health check on your OutSystems platform installation.

The following 8 types of validations are made:

1: Entity with foreign key not found

2: Entity with tenant_id 0

3: Inconsistent static entity

4: Inactive module physical tables (for example, not so much an error, but a warning when an inactive module has active entities)

5: Entity with foreign key to system entity inactive record

6: Entity with foreign key to static entity inactive record

7: Entity OS model vs Physical table

8: Inactive entity with foreign key to active entity

9: Validate OSSYS_ENTITY for repeated physical_table_name and ss_key/espace

You can quickly launch a health check on the current OutSystems environment through the quick link in the initial dashboard:

Or you can choose it on the different executions features, as shown below.

In this way, you can also choose any database connection you have configured in DMM to execute the health check.

After the execution of the Health Check, see in the logs if DMM has encountered any issues, and check on the table below the actions to take: