Positive comments

Comments given by students about the positive things that they noticed or discovered as a result of attending online classes are presented.

Online classes in general

Was able to learn effectively at my own pace

[Student comment ] Since I was able to rewatch the lecture video for the English courses, even though I’m not comfortable with English I gained a better understanding than a physical classroom.

Was easy to ask questions/speak up

[Student comment ] It felt as if everyone was sitting in the front row and made it easy to ask questions which was nice.

Not restricted by place or time

[Student comment ] Though I usually commute long-distance, thanks to the online lectures, I could select my courses without having to cram them all into specific days.

Tests /assignment submissions was easy

[Student comment ] There were times where I would have to go the campus just to print and submit an assignment, with the online courses I didn’t have that problem.

Could look things up during class

[Student comment ] Although there are some professors who don’t like it when we use our devices to look things up during the lecture, with the online lectures I could look up words that I didn’t know as I was listening and I could learn more effectively.

Could learn in a safe space

[Student comment ] It felt relieving being able to learn in a safe environment.

It was easy to hear what was being spoken

[Student comment ] It was easy to listen to the lecture as only the professor's voice could be heard.


Easy/didn’t feel nervous

[Student comment ] Though I normally become nervous when presenting in front of people and am unable to speak, online I could speak comfortably which was nice

Was easy to read/show documents

[Student comment ] Since the presenter shares their screen, it was easy to see the documents.

Easy to ask questions/make comments

[Student comment ] Though It takes some courage to speak up in a classroom, because the professor would pick up the questions written in chat, it felt like participation was higher.

Could present while reading a script or referring to documents

[Student comment ] Could speak without panicking as I could read the script on my phone while screen sharing the presentation slides.

Was easy to hear

[Student comment ] It was easy to hear as those listening could adjust their volume.

Able to submit things that were acceptable.

[Student comment ] Because I could retake the recording for video presentations, I was able to submit a presentation I could accept.


The breakout rooms were good

[Student comment ] Since every group was made randomly, was able to have discussions with a variety of students which was exciting.

Could participate in comfort

[Student comment ] Was able to participate comfortably as it was from my own home and physically far away from the other students.

Not having to spend time moving seats was nice

[Student comment ] Felt more efficient as there was no need to spend time moving seats or searching for a partner.

No unnecessary noise

[Student comment ] Was able to focus since there was no noise from other groups.

Had the time to think

[Student comment ] For discussions using the Forum function, because I was able to read and understand other students comments I could deepen my own understating which was nice.

Could participate while going over documents

[Student comment ] Because the discussions using the Forum function move slowly, was able to make assertions based on more accurate information by looking up references during the down time.

Able to understand better through text

[Student comment ] With the discussions done through the Forum function, the record remains, making it easier to review.


Was able to take courses that would normally be difficult to do so

[Student comment ] The hurdle for taking 1st/7th period courses was lower.

Was easy to observe courses during the Course Registration Change period

[Student comment ] Able to freely check the content of each course online when trying to decide between which courses to take.

Less burden from vertical courses

[Student comment ] For long courses such as 567 courses, online felt more efficient. It’s difficult to listen and focus for such a long period of time, but with the on demand model can pause in between, and start again after taking a break.

Unique facilitation of course comprehension

[Student comment ] For on demand model Information Science and Mathematics courses, was able to rewind and see example code or formulas that normally would only be shown for a moment.

Comment sheets remain at hand

[Student comment ] Online submission for comment sheets is absolutely better. Can take the time to write them out, and because the records remain it makes it easier to look back on.