Introducing the Sessions

6月14日(月)/ Mon, June 14 14:00-16:00

(終了しました/Registration is closed)

オリビエ・アムール=マヤール Olivier Ammour-Mayeur



Associate Professor, Department of Humanities (Literature Major)

Director, Center for Gender Studies

【言語:英語 / Language: English】

EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction): Keeping Online Classes Interactive"


Many instructors struggle to keep online classes interactive especially when using English as a medium of instruction for students whose first language is not English. This talk will show how Professor Ammour-Mayeur keeps his large introductory classes interactive, make students engaged and be proactive. This session will not be a lecture-based session, so come prepared to engage in the activities planned.

10月18日(月)/ Mon, Oct. 18 12:45-13:45

(終了しました/Registration is closed

小澤伊久美 Ikumi Ozawa

日本語教育プログラム 課程上級准教授

Senior Lecturer, Japanese Language Programs

【言語:日本語 / Language: Japanese】

「EMIからJMI(Japanese Medium Instruction:日本語を媒介とした授業)へ 日本の高等教育にEMIの教授法を応用する試みとして

"From EMI to JMI (Japanese Medium Instruction): An adaptation of EMI

Pedagogy in Higher Education in Japan"

「English Medium Instruction (EMI)」の研修では、授業の媒介言語である英語の用い方の工夫で、学生の学びを支援する術を教師は学びます。


日本の高等教育において「Japanese Medium Instruction (JMI)」を実践するとは、具体的にどのようなことか、JMIを実践する意義は何かをご一緒に考えたいと思います。

In the English Medium Instruction (EMI) training, teachers learn how to use English as the medium of instruction to support student learning.

If the EMI concept is applied to Japanese as the medium of instruction, it will be possible to support students' learning in many more classes.

I would like to discuss with you what exactly it means to practice "Japanese Medium Instruction (JMI)" in Japanese higher education, and what is the significance of practicing JMI.

11月15日(月)/ Mon, Nov. 15 12:15-13:45

申し込む/Sign up now

岡村秀樹 Hideki Okamura


Professor, Department of Natural Sciences (Physics Major)

【言語:日本語 / Language: Japanese】


”University-led Science Classes for Children and the Significance of Science Education"

本セッションでは、ホスト自身が本学で学生とともに実施した、地域の子供たちのための体験型科学教室について報告します。科学教室に関わる学生達自身の成長や、子供にとって(そして一般の方々にとって)の科学教育の目的、日本社会という文脈の中での科学教育の必要性についても議論します。 1時間ほどお話しした後に、約30分間、質疑応答とディスカッションの時間を設ける予定です。

Professor Okamura will introduce his practice at ICU of providing hands-on experiential learning to children in the local community. This session will show how students engaged in the "science class" grow and explore the purpose of science education for children (and to the general public) and why science education is essential to Japanese society. After about an hour of talk, there will be about 30 minutes for Q&A and discussion.