国際基督教大学 スーパーグローバル大学創成推進事業



Successful Internationalization:

Educational Best Practices at ICU

国際基督教大学 公開オンラインFDプログラムシリーズ

International Christian University Open Online Faculty Development Program



この度、スーパーグローバル大学創成推進室と本学の学修・教育センター(Center for Teaching and Learning)と共同で、このディスカッションの一部を一般公開いたします。


As part of our ongoing faculty development program, International Christian University is organizing a series of interactive discussion sessions on "Educational Best Practices" at ICU.

In collaboration with the Center for Teaching and Learning at ICU, the Top Global University Project Office is opening some of these discussions to the public.

Enrollment is free and open on a first-come first-serve basis to faculty, staff and in institutions of higher education.






◇The sessions will be provided online using Zoom. Zoom information will be sent after registration.

◇Sessions are free; there is no charge for participation.

◇Registration is accepted until Thursday of the prior week of the scheduled session.

◇Participants can choose to attend as many sessions they like. Registration is conducted separately for each session.


6月14日(月)  Monday, June 14


オリビエ・アムール=マヤール Olivier Ammour-Mayeur



Associate Professor, Department of Humanities (Literature Major)

Director, Center for Gender Studies


EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) : Keeping Online Classes Interactive"



Participation: Limited to 100

Language: English

10月18日(月)Monday, October 18


小澤伊久美 Ikumi Ozawa

日本語教育プログラム 課程上級准教授

Senior Lecturer, Japanese Language Programs


「EMIからJMI(Japanese Medium Instruction:日本語を媒介とした授業)


"From EMI to JMI (Japanese Medium Instruction: An adaptation of EMI Pedagogy in Higher Education in Japan"


Participation: Limited to 50(tentative)

Language: Japanese (English translation will not be available)

11月15日(月)  Monday, November 15


岡村秀樹 Hideki Okamura


Professor, Department of Natural Sciences (Physics Major)



”University-led Science Classes for Children and the Significance of Science Education"


Participation: Limited to 50

Language: Japanese (English translation will not be available)

(お申込み受け付け中/Register now)

Successful Internationalization:

Educational Best Practices at ICU

国際基督教大学 学修・教育センターでのFD活動について



Faculty Development at ICU's Center for Teaching and Learning

As part of its ongoing Faculty Development Program, ICU's Center for Teaching and Learning organizes monthly gatherings that bring people from different parts of the university together to network, socialize, and share their ideas on teaching and learning.

This year, we will open some of these discussions to the general public in a series of interactive discussions on “Successful Internationalization” highlighting some Educational Best Practices from our faculty. This series will highlight different facets of ICU's successful internationalization: how we continue to offer an effective educational experience to an increasingly diverse student body. The series explores how ICU’s student-centered, interactive, multilingual, inter-disciplinary liberal arts education enable's faculty to support students as they “maximize their potential”.


Our most recent Faculty Development Newsletter: https://office.icu.ac.jp/ctl/fd_class_preparation/fdnewsletter.html