Toddler Room

In the Toddler classroom, children ages 18 to 36 months are encouraged to explore in a hands-on, play based learning environment. Children are offered attractive, engaging activities tailored to their individual development level and areas of interest. Teachers foster positive self-concept, dressing, and toileting when children show signs of readiness and interest in these skills. Teachers will listen and respond to toddler's attempts at language. They will model appropriate language usage, providing the necessary social guidance to assist children in building relationships with their friends and teachers.

We strongly support family relationships. We encourage parents or other important family members to bring photographs and items from home for their children to use. We encourage family members to visit, read, and to play with children when their schedule permits.

Children have opportunities to choose their own play activities and playmates within the reassuring structure of daily routines. Physical development is supported by providing time for, space and appropriate play materials for active play such as walking, climbing up and over, jumping, pushing and pulling objects and dancing. Providing support while exploring puzzles, stacking toys, and a variety of sensory materials encourages fine muscle development.

Early conflict resolution skills are taught as appropriate to the developmental level of the child. We encourage and model using words to express feelings, learning the words for feelings, and simple turn taking, and using gentle touches.

Teachers use observation and parent input to plan and revise curriculum to meet the needs of individual children and the group as a whole. Routine tasks such as diapering, toileting, eating, dressing and sleeping are handled in a relaxed and individualized manner based on developmental needs and parental requests. Teachers and staff of the Indianola Children's Center strive to work with parents and children to maintain a high-quality, caring environment. We create a place where children can learn, grow.

Teacher : Student Ratio

ICC aims to maintain small group sizes and keeps the teacher/child ratios for ages 18 months to 36 months: 1 teacher to 7 children. Our maximum group size is 12 toddlers

Toddler Daily Schedule(subject to change)

7:00-8:00 Arrival, free play- toddler/ preschool combined
8:00-9:30 Diapering, toileting, hand washing, snack, clean up
10:00-11:15 Outdoor Classroom, large muscle activities
11:15-11:45 Transition inside, toileting, handwashing
11:45-12 Group time
12:00-12:30 Wash hands, lunch
12:30-1:00 Quiet time, rest room, wash hands, prepare for rest
1:00- 3:00 Rest time
3:00-3:15 Diapering, toileting, hand washing
3:15-3:45 Free play/Learning Centers
3:45-4:15 Handwashing, snack
4:15-4:45 Outdoor Classroom
4:45-5:30 Transition inside, hand washing, free play activities

** Note: Children will also be diapering and/or taken to the bathroom on an as-needed basis, as well as given opportunities to use facilities during scheduled bathroom times. **