Preschool Room
The Preschool classroom works with 3, 4 and 5 year-old children using stories, songs, arts, science, math, reading and writing, mixed with large and gross motor skills. The teachers encourage the students to perform daily activities, such as dressing, toileting, problem-solving, and clean-up. Communication, using words and a peacemaking approach emphasizes independence and interdependence. Preschool children are potty trained. They can manage to change their clothes, dress themselves and feed themselves.
Children are still encouraged to be emersed in play-based activities, which incorporate the above subjects, without use of testing and rigorous formats. While this might not seem to be “academic” in nature, using the Emergent Play-Based approach, children gain the basic foundational skills needed to attend school. For example, after completing an art project, children label their project with their name, allowing them to learn their letters. Children are encouraged to help each other and share tasks that will be expected at a Kindergarten level.
Teacher : Student Ratio
ICC aims to maintain small group sizes and keeps the teacher/child ratios for ages 3 years to 5 years at 1 teacher to 12 children with a maximum group size of 21 preschoolers.
Preschool daily Schedule (subject to change):
7:00-8:00 Arrival, handwashing, free play– toddler/ preschool combined
8:00-9:00 Toileting, handwashing, snack
9:00-10:30 Outside, large muscle activities
10:30-10:45 Transition inside, handwashing
10:45-11:20 Teacher directed activities
11:20-11:30 Clean up, toileting, handwashing
11:30-11:45 Group time, language arts, music and movement experiences
11:45-12:15 Lunch
12:15-12:45 Toileting
12:45-1:00 Quiet time
1:00-2:45 Rest time
2:45-4:00 Toileting, free play, sensory activities, manipulatives,
4:00-4:30 snack
4:30-4:45 Outside, toileting, handwashing
4:45-5:30 Table activities, literacy activities, departure