Taking on 3rd Grade With Miss Caylor


I am so excited to work with you child during their third grade year! You can find some information about me and our classroom schedule on this website!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by email or call me at school.

Contact Information

Email: ecaylor@indeek12.org

Office Phone: (319) 334 - 7430

School Phone: (319) 334 -7430 Ext: 592

Contact: Email is the best ways to contact me. I will get back to you ASAP with a response.

Learning Platform

West Elementary uses Google Classroom as our learning platform. Students will use this to find activities and classroom interaction.

West Elementary uses PowerSchool for school registration and attendance. There are no grades in PowerSchool. Student progress will be communicated by the teacher via report cards, emails, and/or phone calls.