
A brief description of the team composition and expertise is given below:

Osservatorio di Roma:

  • Brunella Nisini: PI of the YODA project. Expert in winds and outflows from YSOs at different wavelengths.

  • Simone Antoniucci: analysis of optical/IR data, AO imaging of jets. PI of the GHOsT program.

  • Katia Biazzo: stellar parameters, mass accretion at low metallicity. Co-I of JWST GTO of young clusters

  • Teresa Giannini: spectroscopic diagnostics of wind/jets, accretion variability in YSOs

  • Manuele Gangi: Analysis of optical/IR data, diagnostics of winds and accretion

Osservatorio di Arcetri:

  • Francesca Bacciotti: Optical/ALMA observations of jets and cavities, MHD models of jets

  • Claudio Codella: Analysis of sub-millimeter ALMA observations, diagnostics of winds and cavities in young Class 0/I sources

  • Linda Podio: Analysis of sub-millimeter ALMA observations, PI of the ALMA-DOT program

  • Antonio Garufi: Infrared/sub-mm high resolution imaging of disks and streamers

  • Davide Fedele: Analysis of sub-millimeter ALMA observations of gas and dust in disks, application of thermo-chemical models

Osservatorio di Capodimonte:

  • Juan AlcalĂ : Analysis of UV/optical observations from ULLYSES/PENELLOPE LP

  • Elvira Covino: Analysis of optical spectra, Stellar parameters

  • Alessio Caratti o Garatti; Analysis of infrared spectra, accretion in class0/I sources, co-I of JWST-MIRI GTO

  • Eleonora Fiorellino: Accretion in class I sources

Osservatorio di Catania:

  • Antonio Frasca: Analysis of optical/IR spectra, Tools for stellar parameters

Osservatorio di Padova:

  • Elisabetta Rigliaco: Coordinator of OAPd RU. Infrared high resolution imaging of streamers and outflow cavities, co-I of the SPHERE-DESTINYS LP

  • Raffaele Gratton: Optical/IR high SPHERE observations

Osservatorio di Palermo:

  • Rosaria Bonito: Analisi of optical spectra, mass accretion and variability

  • Mario Guarcello: Analisi of optical spectra, mass accretion in young clusters

Universita' di Milano:

  • Giuseppe Lodato: Models of MHD winds, Population synthesis tools under viscous and wind-driven accretion (DiskPop), co-I of the ExoALMA LP

  • Giovanni Rosotti (Leicester): Analytical thermo-chemical models for MHD disk winds, co-I of the AgePRO and ExoALMA ALMA LP

INAF Associates and external collaborators:

  • Claudia Toci (ESO) Radiative transfer codes for gas and dust disk distribution

  • Carlo Manara (ESO): PI PENELLOPE LP, Accretion diagnostics, ALMA observations of disks

  • Anna Miotello (ESO): ALMA observations of streamers and disks

  • Rebeca Garcia Lopez (DIAS): high resolution IR observations with GRAVITY@VLT

  • Barbara Ercolano (Munich University): Analytical thermo-chemical models for photo-evaporative disk winds