JEts and Disks@INAF


The formation and evolution of discs in young stellar objects, together with related phenomena (accretion, jets, and winds), is a research field rapidly growing since the last years. This is mainly due to both the recognized importance of disc evolution to settle the initial conditions for the formation of planetary systems, and to the increasingly higher quality of observations of disk systems provided by new instrumentation at high spatial and spectral resolution from the optical to the radio domain.

The JEDI group collects INAF researchers working in the field of proto-planetary discs in low-mass young stars, and related phenomena such as mass accretion and outflows. The group presently involves nine INAF structures. The goal of the JEDI collaboration is to make a transformative contribution to the research in this area taking advantage of the synergy among the different competences of the involved researchers in closely connected fields.

JEDI researchers have international leading roles in this field acquired through the collaboration, and also thanks to the massive use of forefront instrumentation in which INAF is directly involved (e.g. SPHERE, ALMA, X-shooter).

Osservatorio di Arcetri

Osservatorio di Catania

Osservatorio di Napoli

Osservatorio di Padova

Osservatorio di Palermo

Osservatorio di Roma

Osservatorio di Torino


Jan 2025: Italian National Conference on Star and Planet Formation

Feb 2023: National meeting STRADE-YODA

Oct 2022: Start of the  INAF-LARGE GRANT YODA 

Sept 2021-...: The JEDI team invites you to the STAR-TALKS !