Dec. 2022: two post-doc positions on the project YODA

1st Position: INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma

Title: “Optical/IR spectroscopy and high-resolution imaging of young stars”

Deadline for application: February 15, 2023

The successful candidate will work on one of the following activities depending on her/his background:

  • Study of accretion and ejection processes in Young Stellar Objects through medium/high optical/IR spectroscopy. The post-doc will work in particular on spectral surveys of star formation regions with VLT instrumentation (CRIRES/UVES/ESPRESSO) in the framework of the Large Program PENELLOPE, and with JWST, in the framework of the NIRSpec GTO. She/he will be also involved in the preparation and first analysis of the Young Cluster GTO program of the new-generation multi-object spectrometer VLT-MOONS.

  • High spatial resolution observations with AO-assisted instruments for the study of jets and winds in Young Stellar Objects and accreting proto-planets. The post-doc will work in particular on the data analysis of GO and GTO programmes obtained with the VLT/MUSE and ERIS instruments, and on the analysis of the first data of the SHARK-VIS instrument at the Large Binocular Telescope.

Link to the application (italian and english)



2nd Position: INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri

Title: “The role of mass outflows in star and planet formation”

Deadline for application: February 15, 2023

The successful candidate will work on the analysis and interpretation of high angular resolution observations of mass outflows around young stars (atomic jets and molecular winds) in the millimetre and/or near-infrared wavelength ranges. Data obtained with ALMA and/or with JWST, VLT and LBT instrumentation will be used. The objective is to elucidate the influence of mass outflows on the process of formation of the system, with particular reference to the dynamics and chemistry of the accretion disk and to the consequences on the planet formation that takes place in it.

Links to the applications:

Guidelines in English:
