ThuRsday 26th September

Session - Formation and evolution of star clusters

(Chair: G. Sacco)

9:00 T. Cantat-Gaudin (I) Observing the early and late stages of the lives of Galactic clusters (Slides!)

9:30 N. Wright (C) Formation and Asymmetric Expansion of the Lagoon Nebula Cluster (Slides!)

9:50 V. Roccatagliata (C) Multiple populations in young clusters detected by Gaia (Slides!)

10:10 E. Franciosini (C) The young open cluster around 25 Ori (Slides!)

10:30 Coffee Break & Poster Session

11:00 A. Binks (C) A model-independent technique for measuring ages using Li measurements from GES clusters (LieGES) (Slides!)

11:20 S. Bonito (C) Accretion and outflow activity in the young cluster NGC 2264 (Slides!)

11:40 A. Klutsch (C) Radial velocity and multiplicity in young stellar populations embedded in their parental nebula (Slides!)

12:00 L. Prisinzano (C) The Gaia-ESO survey: star formation history in Lambda Ori star forming region (Slides!)

12:20 Lunch Break

Session – Stellar Evolution

(Chair: A. Gonneau)

14:00 S. Degl'Innocenti (I) Age determination in detached eclipsing binary systems (Slides!)

14:30 Y. Chen (C) Confronting stellar models with observations (Slides!)

14:50 E. Semenova (C) Observational constraints on atomic diffusion in NGC2420

15:10 L. Pasquini (C) Astrometric, Spectroscopic radial velocities and the mass for Hyades WDs

15:30 Coffee Break & Poster Session

16:00 Andrea Miglio (I) Combining pulsation spectra and light spectra: steps towards a better understanding of the stars and the Galaxy (Slides!)

16:30 V. Silva Aguirre (C) Asteroseismology meets cosmology: mapping the Milky Way through oscillating stars and zoom-in simulations

16:50 J. Montalban (C) Characterization of CoRoT Red Giants (Slides!)

17:10 M. Valentini (C) The use of asteroseismology of red giant stars in large spectroscopic surveys (Slides!)

17:30 S. Martell (C) Building our understanding of lithium-rich giant stars using large survey data sets (Slides!)

17:50 I. Minchev (C) Simpson’s paradox in Galactic Archaeology (Slides!)

18:10 End of the day