Model Presentation Papers

(1) De Lucia et al. 2014: Elemental abundances in Milky Way-like galaxies from a hierarchical galaxy formation model

(2) Hirschmann et al. 2016: Galaxy assembly, stellar feedback and metal enrichment: the view from the GAEA model

(3) Xie et al. 2017: H2-based star formation laws in hierarchical models of galaxy formation

(4) Fontanot et al. 2017: Variations of the stellar initial mass function in semi-analytical models: implications for the mass assembly and the chemical enrichment of galaxies in the GAEA model

(5) Fontanot et al. 2018: Variations of the stellar initial mass function in semi-analytical models - II. The impact of cosmic ray regulation

(6) Fontanot et al. 2020: The rise of active galactic nuclei in the galaxy evolution and assembly semi-analytic model

(7) Xie et al. 2020: The influence of environment on satellite galaxies in the GAEA semi-analytic model 

(8) De Lucia et al. 2024a: On the origin of globular clusters in a hierarchical Universe

(9) De Lucia et al. 2024b: Tracing the Quenching Journey across Cosmic Time

GAEA Papers by team members 

(1) Zoldan et al. 2017: H I-selected galaxies in hierarchical models of galaxy formation and evolution

(2) De Lucia et al. 2017: AGN feedback and the origin of the α enhancement in early-type galaxies - insights from the GAEA model

(3) Fontanot et al. 2017: Strong Stellar-driven Outflows Shape the Evolution of Galaxies at Cosmic Dawn

(4) Fontanot et al. 2018: On the shape and evolution of a cosmic-ray-regulated galaxy-wide stellar initial mass function

(5) Xie et al. 2018: On the influence of environment on star-forming galaxies

(6) Zoldan et al. 2018: Structural and dynamical properties of galaxies in a hierarchical Universe: sizes and specific angular momenta

(7) De Lucia et al. 2019: Nature versus nurture: what regulates star formation in satellite galaxies?

(8) Zoldan et al. 2019: The evolution of sizes and specific angular momenta in hierarchical models of galaxy formation and evolution

(9) Spinelli et al. 2020: The atomic hydrogen content of the post-reionization Universe

(10) Di Gioia et al. 2020: Damped Ly α absorbers and atomic hydrogen in galaxies: the view of the GAEA model

(11) De Lucia et al. 2020: Gas accretion regulates the scatter of the mass-metallicity relation

(12) Fontanot et al. 2021: The evolution of the mass-metallicity relations from the VANDELS survey and the GAEA semi-analytic model 

(13) Fontanot et al. 2023: Variation of the stellar initial mass function in semi-analytic models III: testing the cosmic ray regulated integrated galaxy-wide initial mass function

(14) Xie et al. 2024: The first quenched galaxies, when and how?  

Papers using GAEA results

(1) Wang et al. 2019: Starburst galaxies in semi-analytic models of galaxy formation and evolution 

(2) Cunnington et al. 2019: Impact of foregrounds on H I intensity mapping cross-correlations with optical surveys

(3) Guaita et al. 2020: The VANDELS survey: Discovery of massive overdensities of galaxies at z > 2. Location of Lyα-emitting galaxies with respect to environment

(4) Calabro' et al. 2021: The VANDELS survey: The relation between the UV continuum slope and stellar metallicity in star-forming galaxies at z∼3

(5) Aguirre Tagliaferro et al. 2021: Dynamical analysis of clusters of galaxies from cosmological simulations

(6) Zhang et al. 2021: An Empirical Determination of the Dependence of the Circumgalactic Mass Cooling Rate and Feedback Mass Loading Factor on Galactic Stellar Mass

(7) Calabro' et al. 2022: The environmental dependence of the stellar and gas-phase mass-metallicity relation at 2 < z < 4

(8) Lustig et al. 2022: Massive quiescent galaxies at z∼3: a comparison of selection, stellar population and structural properties with simulation predictions 

(9) Saracco et al. 2023: The star formation history and the nature of the mass-metallicity relation of passive galaxies at 1.0 < z < 1.4 from VANDELS

(10) Zakharova et al. 2023: The filament determination depends on the tracer: comparing filaments based on dark matter particles and galaxies in the GAEA semi-analytic model

(11) Chen et al. 2024: Environmental effects on satellite galaxies from the perspective of cold gas