Thesis Projects and Teaching

PhD Thesis Projects

PhD thesis opportunities are advertised by INAF and the University of Florence. Degrees are awarded by the University of Florence. Available projects for the next academic year will be listed below. Interested applicants are welcome to contact potential advisors.

Undegraduate Thesis Projects

We welcome Undergraduate (Laurea Triennale) and Masters (Laurea Magistrale) students to contact any Staff member to discuss a potential thesis project, not limited to the ones advertised via the University of Florence website.

Several group members have also advertised specific thesis projects for 2022 which are collected on this webpage. Thesis descriptions are in Italian, but feel free to reach out for an English version.

Graduate Courses

Courses offered by members of the Arcetri Extragalactic group are delivered at the University of Florence. The following Masters-level courses will be available: