
Product list

Each project in the ALMA archive is divided into MOUS representing a minimal unit of telescope settings, observations and calibration needed to reach a scientific goal. For each source (including bandpass, phase and check-sources calibrators if present) 86% of the 3202 MOUS observed in cycle 2-4 that can be processed with the ALMA imaging pipeline and (haven't been already) the ARI-L project provided and ingested into the ALMA archive as an externally delivered product:

  • an image of the aggregated continuum

  • a mfs image of each spectral window

  • a cube at the native resolution for each spectral window

  • a README file describing the MOUS properties

The calibrated visibilities in measurement set format for each of the ingested MOUS are stored exploiting the INAF-IA2 facilities. Users can request them via email to

Publication Acknowledgement

The use of ALMA data elaborated by ARI-L data must be acknowledged using the standard ALMA acknowledgement statement.

It is suggested and would be appreciated that the publication Massardi et al. (2021) is cited when ARI-L data are used.