Progressfolio-Tri I

My Hopes And Dreams For The Future

How I Have Grown As A Reader And Writer

This is a page from my research for Makawalu, I chose to put this to show who I am as a reader and writer because I had to read a variety of sources to write what I knew about the TMT conflict. I chose this page because it has both perspectives, it shows the evidence supporting mauna kea and evidence against mauna kea. I had to read the sources and write the important parts then repeat that until I had 6 sources and pages.

How I Grew As A Historian

This is a video on the day we went to Laehala, we had been learning about it a lot before we had gone, some was history, some was about the plants that grow there, but we also learned about Lono and how he was born there and how the kupuna who were there made a mele that is called Kumulipo, this all helped me to learn about history and become a better historian.

How I Have Grown As a Mathematician And Collaborator

This is a example of the work I did with Kanoa my partner, the questions were, How many sq. m. are in the small section? and How is it related to the number of sq. cm.? we answered the first question by saying that you cant make a bigger number become smaller and fit in a tiny square unless you make it a fraction and the fraction we came out with is 1/16. We answered the second question by saying "If 25m x 25m= 625m than cm is 100 times less so if 25mx25m=625m, than 100x less means the decimal is moved 2 times to the left so it goes from 0.25x0.25 which equals 0.0625m 2.