The GAME Science Research Center is participating in Play - The Game Festival 2024 with a dedicated area for scientific games and the interaction between Universities and Research Centers with the world of gaming. 

In a collaborative effort involving the IMT School for Advanced Studies in Lucca, Giocaruolando, and the Game Science Research Center, the 'Library in Gioco' initiative was actualized. The event took place at the IMT Library, situated in Piazza San Ponziano (accessible via Elisa), and was characterized by an ambitious agenda that foregrounded the impact of gaming culture on contemporary society.

2nd GAME Science Research Center Ordinary Members Meeting

Game Studies, media, semiotica Giornata di studi per Patrick Coppock  

02 ottobre 2023 ore 14.00 – 18.30 Palazzo universitario G. Dossetti Viale A. Allegri, 9 – Reggio Emilia Aula D2.6 (ex 8) – II piano

Relatori: Gabriele Ferri (Eindhoven University of Technology); Nicola Bigi (TIWI); Dario Compagno (Université Paris Nanterre); Riccardo Fassone (Università di Torino); Gianmarco Giuliana (Università di Torino); Agata Meneghelli (Università di Bologna/IDNTT); Mauro Salvador (Università di Bologna/Event Horizon School); Andrea Ligabue (UniMoRe) 

L’evento è aperto al pubblico

GAME Science Research Center @ Play Festival del Gioco - Modena 

The GAME Science Research Center will partecipate to the 14th edition of Play Festival del Gioco - Modena. As in the previous editions, will be present with many activities in which it is posible to participate, play and discover the world of Game Science. Follow our Facebook and Instagram pages for more datails.

A complete program will be announced soon.

Voci di Biblioteca - "What is a board game?"   

The first meeting of Voci di Biblioteca organized by the IMT School Library, in collaboration with the Agorà Civic Library, is underway.

Friday 24 February - 5.30 pm | IMT School Library, Piazza San Ponziano

"What is a board game?" by Andrea Angiolino, Carocci.

The author interacts with Ennio Bilancini, Professor of Economics at the IMT School and Director of the Game Science Research Center. At the end of the event, there will be a board game session with the author.

P.L.A.Y.  Play, Learn, Act effectively in and for youth field 

From 27/2 to 3/3 a Training Course with aim to raise the awareness of the real possibilities the game-based–learnig can offer especially at educational level.

A training week immersed in a high quality gaming setting. Participants will be able to approach the world of smart games (board games, role-playing games, digital and videogames, larp etc.) and explore topics related to the use of these kind of games in educational field. 

A course conducted by Ludo Labo with the sponsorhip of GAME Science Research Center

Play Ethic: call for adventures

The second edition of the Call for adventures Play Ethic is open, aimed at authors and authors of role-playing adventures who know how to stimulate players to question themselves on ethical dilemmas, question themselves and experiment with new possibilities and identifications.

Here the complete call

Play Ethic has the sponsorship of GAME Science Research Center, Play - Festival del Gioco and Lucca Comics & Games

A Carnavele ogni Gioco Vale - MeMo Multicentro Educativo Sergio Neri - 18 February 2023

On Saturday afternoon, the MeMo game library opens to the public to introduce the selection of titles specially selected for educational activities and with schools

Play@Lib - Game Science in Library - 25 November 2022

On the occasion of the International Games Month, the IMT Library will host some of the members of the GAME.SCI RE.CENTER to talk about the science and culture of games in the library.

GAME Science Research Center @ Lucca Comics and Games 2022, 28 October - 1 November 2022

Il GAME Science Research Center will participate at the Lucca Comics & Games 2022 - Hope with its initiatives in a dedicated space.  During the event it will possibile to participate, play and discover the world of Game Science. Moreover, the GAME.SCI. RE.CENTER, in collaboration with Lucca Crea, will propose a series of workshop to discuss with the public, not only accademic, topics about Game Science.

Detailed Program

Game Science Research Center @ FirenzeGioca

The GAME Science Research Center will partecipate to the 21st edition of FirenzeGioca - Firenze with its initiatives in a dedicated space.  During the event it will possibile to participate, play and discover the world of Game Science with many activities and a series of workshop. During the workshops, it will be possibile to discuss with the public, not only accademic, some of the most recent researches on the Game Science. Follow our Facebook and Instagram pages for more datails and look the entire program at the following  link.

1st GAME Science Research Center Ordinary Members Meeting

The 1st Meeting of the Game Science Research Center Ordinary Members, will be held at the IMT School for Advanced Studies in Lucca during the 9th-10th of September. At the closing of its first triennium of existence, Researchers and Professionals of the Center will gather in order to evaluate its activities so far and program its future development.  All information are available here.

Access is reserved to the GSRC Members. For more informations on becoming a Member, please write to

Games for Sustainability

The Game Science Research Center, together with Lucca Crea, will organize in Pisa an open event where citizens, local administrators, and ESEE conference participants, will interact by playing sustainability games revolving around the main themes of the European Society for Ecological Economics conference.

You can find the complete program here.

GAME Science Research Center @ Play Festival del Gioco - Modena

The GAME Science Research Center will partecipate to the 13th edition of Play Festival del Gioco - Modena. As in the previous editions, will present with many activities and a series of workshop held by the Game.Sci. Re.Center members. Follow our Facebook and Instagram pages for more datails.

You can find the complete program here.

The role of images in  games: from aesthetics to function

The GAME Science Research Center, in line with the “Asmodée Game in Lab Conference Cycle 2022”, will organize the online workshop on the role of images in games.

For more information on the workshop, visit the link.

International Games Week @ Your Library - Modena 9 November 2021

The GAME Science Research Center will participate to the International Games Week @ your Library with a game activity within the collaboration between the research center and the libraries of the Municipality of Modena on the afternoon of November 9th at the Crocetta Library in Modena.

GAME Science Research Center @ Lucca Comics and Games 2021, 29 October - 1 November 2021

Il GAME Science Research Center will participate at the Lucca Comics & Games 2021 - A riveder le stelle with its initiatives in a dedicated space.  During the event it will possibile to participate, play and discover the world of Game Science. Moreover, the GAME.SCI. RE.CENTER will propose a series of workshop to discuss with the public, not only accademic, some of the most recent researches developed by its members.

Detailed Program

Registered (not optimal audio) of the seminars, workshops and round tables

Festival Smart Life 24 September 2021

"Modena Capitale del Buon Gioco"

Talk with Claudia Canali (Unimore), Gabriele Costa (IMT Lucca, GAME Science Research Center), Andrea Ligabue (Game Science Research Center), Tiziana Mancini (Università di Parma) 

Institutional welcome: Andrea Bosi (Assessore alle Politiche per il lavoro e la legalità del Comune di Modena)

The meeting will present the collaboration between the Municipality of Modena, UNIMORE and the Game Science Research Center in relation to the "Modena Capitale del buon gioco" protocol, signed in 2019 by the Municipality and the University, to coordinate, disseminate, enhance and develop actions and experiences based on play, encouraging educational innovations, study and research, training and experimentation, as well as prevention. In particular, it will be shown how play and the playful element can be a means of providing citizens with innovative and Smart services. The projects currently underway will be described, including the “Digital Girls” summer camp, the FAR 2020 PLAY4STEM project, A Nerd Dogma, the Cybersecurity Olympics, Visit Modena - The Game and the COMPRENDO project.

Appointment promoted by the Municipality of Modena and the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE)

Free access with reservation required on

GAME Science Research Center @ Play Festival del Gioco - Modena

The GAME Science Research Center will partecipate to the 12th edition of Play Festival del Gioco - Modena. It will present with many activities held by the Game.Sci. Re.Center members. 

Follow our Facebook and Instagram pages for more datails.

Official page of Play - Festival del Gioco

The detailed program of the activities.

State of the Role Play Game art in Italy, with a specific focus on education and inclusion issues.

On and Off the Table - 21 e 21 May 2021

The GAME Science Research Center, in collaboration with Game In Lab, will host the On and Off the Table conference: The State of the Role Play Game art in Italy, with a specific focus on education and inclusion issues. A two days meeting with round tables and workshops to present and face up the experiences and specific researches on role play games. The event is sponsored by Lucca Comics & Games and Play - Festival del Gioco.

Follow us on the FB webpage and on the YouTube Channel of the GAME Science Research Center

Here you can find the detailed program

Download the Conferences proceedings link

"La Cicala e le formiche - Gioco, vita e utopia"  - 11 May 2021 

At 17:00 in direct on FB webpage and on YouTube channel of the GAME Science Research Center

The Prof. Francesca Antonacci (University of Milano Bicocca) and Dr. Maresa Bertolo (Politecnico di Milano), curators of the Italian translation of the famous Grasshopper by Bernard Suits, will present the Italian edition of The Grasshopper: Games, Life and Utopia.

Esports: from law to reality. Dialogue between lawyers and industry

Esports: a new and fast growing sector but still a substantially unexplored frontier for the law. The online conference on “Esports: from law to reality. Dialogue between lawyers and industry " wants to compare the world of law and that of business (without forgetting teams and pro-players) to discuss which path to take to allow, and not hinder, the evolution and development of electronic sports.

The event is promoted by the IT Workshop DET "Law, Ethics, Technologies" of the CRID - Interdepartmental Research Center on Discrimination and Vulnerability of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, directed by Gianfrancesco Zanetti, and is carried out as part of the activities of the Department of Law, of the PhD in Legal Sciences, of the Game Science Research Center and of the course of Legal Informatics, with the collaboration of AK Informatica, and Tom's Hardware, and it will be held on Friday 16 of April from 10:00 at 13:00 in streaming at the followin link

Download the poster of the event 

Call Play4Change 2021 - Deadline 15 April 2021

Applications for projects and activities with Social Change objectives conveyed and stimulated through play are collected.

Play4Change will rewards the best projects on social change...

Participation (single or group) is free and open to everyone, without limits of residence, age or membership or affiliation to associations, institutions, companies or entities. Only applications in Italian are accepted.

Applications including activities or themes detrimental to the (physical or psychological) well-being of individuals, communities or environments will not be considered for participation.

Request of application

To apply, you need to fill in the application form available at this link:

All materials sent together with the applications remain the property of the authors and will be used exclusively in the evaluation of the projects by the Organizational and Scientific Committees and the jury.


From the 11th of Jenuary, online
Professor: Gabriele Costa, Tenure professor in Computer Science, IMT Lucca
Sign on: e-mail to 

Prototyping is essential for game developers to organize demonstrations, experiments and data collection. While paper, pencils, and scissors may seem like a good choice, there are many benefits to using state-of-the-art information technology. So why not develop a video game?

In this intensive course on prototype game development we will acquire the basic skills to implement a video game. These skills include some rudiments of programming, software engineering, 2D graphics, user interfaces, and event management. While we can't become expert developers, we will create our own game from scratch using a real development environment (Godot).


14th December, online

15.30-15.40 Institutional welcome of the Ass. Andrea Bosi (Assessor to the Legality of the Municipality of Modena) and of the Prof. Gianluca Marchi (Vice-rector of Unimore).

Panel 1: Training and prevention. A challenge for institutions, firms and territory

Moderate: Prof.ssa Claudia Canali (CRID – Unimore, Scientific Committee Game Science Research Center – Unimore).

Workshop: Prof. Simone Scagliarini (M. Biagi Foundation, CRID – Unimore), Prof. Gianluigi Fioriglio (IT workshop of CRID – Unimore), Dr.ssa Giulia Migneco (Responsable of the communication Pubblic Advise of Modena).

Panel 2: Be informed to know. Pathological Hazard and the younger generations.

Moderate: Prof.ssa Tindara Addabbo (M. Biagi Foundation, CRID, Scientific Committee Game Science Research Center – Unimore).

Workshop: Dr.ssa Giorgia Pifferi (AUSL Modena), Dr.ssa Pamela Bussetti (Federconsumatori Modena), Dott. Andrea Ligabue (Scientific Committee Game Science Research Center – Unimore).

The activity is part of the Project "The dangers of gambling in the digital age. Prevention strategies and contrasting actions", organized by CRID in collaboration with the M. Biagi Foundation, with the patronage and contribution of the Municipality of Modena (as part of the regional project "Legality and territory 2020").

Registration form


4th and 11th December, online

In cerca di Utopia

Creatività, spirito di collaborazione e capacità di innovazione: sono gli ingredienti che vi serviranno in questi due appuntamenti on line.

Dopo aver giocato un LARP dimostrativo, grazie alla guida di esperti facilitatori, i partecipanti creeranno insieme la trama di un nuovo gioco di ruolo.

4 Dicembre, ore 20.45 - Digital LARP: “JUSTICE TALK”

“Justice Talk" è un gioco di ruolo liberamente ispirato alla serie TV satirica "The Orville", in cui tre condannati, all'interno di una utopistica democrazia assoluta, si sfidano a colpi di "like" per capire chi potrà vivere e chi verrà punito.

 11 Dicembre, ore 20.45 - Creazione di un nuovo LARP: “IN CERCA DI UTOPIA”

I partecipanti, con il supporto dei facilitatori Isabella Negri, Simone Bonetti e Matteo Bisanti, costruiranno un breve progetto per un nuovo LARP.

La Game Jam si svolgerà online sulla piattaforma Jitsi.

Partecipazione gratuita, prenotazione obbligatoria scrivendo a


Evento organizzato nell'ambito del progetto internazionale Play On!, in collaborazione con GAME Science Research Center e UniMoRe.


27th and 28th November, online

27 novembre 2020 - dalle 21:45 alle 22:45

Seminario / Conferenza (diretta)

Il gioco da tavolo può essere un valido strumento di supporto alla divulgazione scientifica. Esamineremo alcuni titoli particolarmente significativi concentrandoci su meccaniche, temi trattati ed attinenza scientifica.

a cura di Andrea Ligabue e Matteo Bisanti

Sezione GamER -Unimore del GAME Science Research Center

Online sui canali YouTube e Facebook di Unimore

28 novembre 2020 - ore 15:00

Il gioco è un’attiva semplice che può essere usata per imparare. Comunicare il cambiamento ambientale e sociale tramite l’attività ludica può essere educativo e divertente allo stesso tempo. Da qui l’idea di creare giochi che abbiano un impatto reale sulle persone coinvolte. Grazie alla collaborazione tra il Game Science Research Center e la CMON Games Limited è nata, nel 2019, la prima scuola sulla scienza e la pratica del gioco, che si è svolta in concomitanza con il Lucca Comics & Games 2019.

In questa occasione, game designers e ricercatori si sono uniti per imparare le tecniche di creazione di un gioco per il cambiamento sociale, grazie anche ad esperti come Andrea Chiarvesio, Eric Lang e Francesco Nepitello. Saranno proprio i partecipanti alla prima edizione della Game Science Winter School che in questo incontro vi racconteranno la loro esperienza, i prototipi da loro ideati durante la scuola e i passi necessari per la loro creazione.


Daniela De Angeli

Ricercatrice presso la University of Bath e co-direttrice di Echo Games

Enrico Drusiani

IT expert, business management, game designer e collaboratore presso Play Res

Giovanni Franceschelli

Game Designer presso Laborplay e GFCreativeLab

Isabella Negri

Psicologa, formatrice, game designer e collaboratore presso Play Res

Andrea Tarondo

Studente, game designer e sviluppatore di videogiochi


Roberto Di Paolo

Dottorando Scuola IMT e ricercatore Game Science Research Center

Dario Menicagli

Ricercatore Scuola IMT e Game Science Research Center

L’incontro sarà trasmesso in streaming sul canale YouTube e sulla pagina Facebook della Scuola IMT

Online on LuccaChanges and youtube

The GAME Science Research Center is proud to announce that the rich program of conferences for Lucca Changes 2020 are now all available online. Just click on the title of the event to access  

Here the abstract of the conferences. 

30th October

Ore 11: Gianluigi Fioriglio – Gli esports: una frontiera inesplorata per il diritto?
Introduce: Ennio Bilancini
Modera: Emilio Cozzi

Ore 13: Ennio Bilanicni – Game-based learning per il cambiamento sociale: L’esperienza di BLUTUBE  
Modera: Matteo Bisanti

Ore 16: Andrea Ligabue – Game-based learning: giochi analogici mass market vs prodotti creati ad hoc 
Modera: Ennio Bilancini

Ore 19: Fabio Viola – Videogiochi sono cultura
Modera: Alan Mattiassi

31th October

Ore 13: Alan Mattiassi – La percezione del gioco di ruolo da parte della comunità italiana
Modera: Giorgio Gronchi

ore 16: Gabriele Costa – Imparare la cybersecurity giocando, l’esperienza A NERD DOGMA
Modera: Gustavo Cevolani

ore 19: Matteo Bisanti – Game-based learning in ambito museale: tra edutainment e ricerca
Modera: Sara Ricciardi

1st November

Ore 13: Sara RicciardiLet’s PLAY with Tinkering!
Modera: Andrea Ligabue

Ore 16: Giorgio Gronchi – Lo studio del pensiero umano attraverso il gioco: dai rolegames ai giochi di strategia
Modera: Dario Menicagli

Ore 19: Marco Viola e Ivan Mosca – Play Ethic. Giochi di ruolo per il sociale
Modera: Tiziano Antognozzi


9th September 2020, online

The annual workshop known as Tavola Esagonale is a meeting of games experts and researches to share knowledges and experiences about games in the frame of Play - The Games Festival.

The Tavola Esagonale is organized by Play Res with the collaboration of Play - The Games Festival and the scientific support of the Game Science Research Center.

The theme of the 2020 Tavola Esagonale will be "Games, Educational and Social Changes".  Here the official website.

Here or here you can find the recorded videos of the event. 

A NERD DOGMA Goes to School

29 May 2020, Istituto Istruzione Superiore A. Paradisi, Vignola (Modena)

A NERD DOGMA is a live, quest Capture-the-Flag game designed at IMT. The event has been run online and involved nearly 300 students from different high schools in Vignola (Modena). 


19 March 2020, IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca

The Brain Awareness Week is the global campaign to foster public enthusiasm and support for brain science, organized worldwide each year by the Dana Foundation.

Giochi di testa is a laboratory of logic, strategic reasoning and critical thinking for kids up to 14 years, organized by the MoMiLab research unit of the IMT School and by the GAME Science Research Center.

21 February 2020 at 14:15, University of Florence

Hosted by the First Lab facilities of the University of Florence, this event is aimed at discussing the role of games and technological devices for economic activities related to culture and creativity. 


13 February 2020 at 11:00, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

Official presentation to press and University of Modena and Reggio Emilia's members of the Modena's branch of the Game Science Research Center


4-7 February 2020, Università Politecnica delle Marche

A NERD DOGMA is a live, quest Capture-the-Flag game designed at IMT. The event has been hosted in Ancona during the next edition of the Italian Conference on Cybersecurity (ITASEC).

2-8 November 2019, IMT School for Advanced Studies

The GAME Science Winter School (GAMES WIS) is a residential workshop dedicated to game science (game design, game studies, game theory) within the frame of Lucca Comics & Games.

The GAMES WIS offers a high-profile learning experience with a special emphasis on experimentation. The know-hows of both Game Designers, Game Experts and Game Scientists will converge in a fully scheduled week of classes, activities and play time. 

28 September 2019, IMT School for Advanced Studies

The Case of “Free to Choose”: a Game for Contrasting Gender Stereotypes

4 June 2019, IMT School for Advanced Studies

The workshop will take place on Tuesday, June 4 from 10.30 am in the Conference Room (Ex-Boccherini building).

The workshop explores the use of games for social change in public policies, starting from the experience of the Free to Choose project

Here you can find the program.