Conference on Constructive Approximation of Functions 4 

Warsaw, June 25-28, 2024


Registration of conference participants: Monday, June 24, 2024 at 16:00-20:00, Tuesday, June 25, 2024 at 8:00-9:00. 

Tuesday 25 June 2024

09:00-09:30 official opening

chairman:  Eric Bedford

09:30-10:30 Christer Kiselman "Smoothness is not always preserved under compactifications"

10:30-11:00 coffee break

11:00-12:00 Ahmed Zeriahi "An iterative approach to the Dirichlet complex Monge-Ampère Eigenvalue Problem"

12:00-13:00 Nikolay Shcherbina "On Kobayashi and Bergman hyperbolicity of strictly pseudoconvex rigid Model domains in C^n"

13:00-15:00 lunch break

chairman:  Alexander Rashkovskii

15:00-16:00 Alexander Goncharov "Pawłucki - Pleśniak extension operator for non-Markov sets"

16:00-16:30 coffee break

16:30-17:30 Evgeny Poletsky "Hausdorff Reductions of Leaves Spaces"

17:30-18:00 Sibel Sahin "Sub-Hardy-Hilbert and Sub-Bergman Spaces of Planar Domains"

Wednesday 26 June 2024

chairman: Len Bos

09:00-09:30 Uaday Singh "Approximation by deep neural network operator in Lebesgue spaces with variable exponents"

09:30-10:30 Norm Levenberg "Weighted holomorphic polynomial approximation"

10:30-11:00 coffee break

11:00-12:00 Hans-Peter Blatt "Intrinsic Interpolation of Maximally Convergent Polynomials"

12:00-13:00 Ragnar Sigurðsson "Polynomials with exponents in compact convex sets and associated weighted extremal functions "

13:00-15:00 lunch break

chairman: Przemysław Wojtaszczyk

15:00-16:00 Mieczysław Mastyło "Local constants of Banach spaces of polynomials and Boolean cube functions"

16:00-16:30 coffee break

16:30-17:00 Paweł Mleczko "Carleson operator, interpolating sequences and interpolation of Banach spaces of analytic functions"

17:00-17:30 Tomasz Kania "Banach function algebras whose pairs of elements are approximable by jointly non-degenerate ones"

17:30-18:00 Rafał Pierzchała "Smoothness in polynomially bounded o-minimal structures"

19:00 conference banquet:  Restauracja "Wiesz Co Zjesz", Plac Konstytucji 1, 00-674 Warszawa (entrance from Marszałkowska Street)

Thursday 27 June 2024

chairman: Ahmed Zeriahi

09:00-09:30 Rafał Czyż "On the regularity of solutions to the complex Hessian equation"

09:30-10:30 Sławomir Kołodziej "Complex Hessian Measures with Respect to a Background Hermitian Form"

10:30-11:00 coffee break

11:00-12:00 Zbigniew Błocki "L^2-estimates for \bar ∂-equation and ODEs"

12:00-13:00 Wiesław Pawłucki "C^p-triangulation of subanalytic sets with an application to a C^p-approximation problem"

13:00-15:00 lunch break

chairman:  Feliks Przytycki

15:00-16:00 Anna Zdunik "Green’s function and some questions in holomorphic dynamics"

16:00-16:30 coffee break

16:30-17:00 Artem Dudko "On Hausdorff dimension of Julia sets of real polynomials"

17:00-17:30 Małgorzata Stawiska "Non-autonomous iteration of polynomials in C"

17:30-18:00 Łukasz Kosiński "Extension property and invariant functions on algebraic sets"

Friday 28 June 2024

chairman: Sławomir Kołodziej

09:00-09:30 Leszek Plaskota "Asymptotic analysis of adaptive quadratures for numerical integration"

09:30-10:30 Szilárd Révész "Turán-Erőd Type Inequalities on Convex Domains"

10:30-11:00 coffee break

11:00-12:00 Stefano De Marchi "Three simple mapping strategies for approximating scattered data and functions"

12:00-13:00 Len Bos "On Interpolation at Points in a Simplex"

13:00-15:00 lunch break

chairman: Norman Levenberg

15:00-15:30 Wentao Teng "Imaginary Powers of (k, a)-Generalized Harmonic Oscillator"

15:30-16:00 coffee break

16:00-17:00 Mirosław Baran "Markov's inequalities in the Cracovian style"

The autors of posters:

Ramzen Dzhafarov "On the invariance of the Łojasiewicz exponent" 

Marta Kosek "On some approximation problems in the theory of polynomial Julia sets"

Marta Kosek "The centenary of Annales Polonici Mathematici"

Michał Kudra "Hadamard powers of Hurwitz stable polynomials"

Przemysław Sprus "On discs contained in filled Julia sets"

Mateusz Suder "On admissible meshes on ball and simplex via Dubiner metric"

This programme may, of course, be subject to minor changes.

Updated on June 24th, 2024
