
Once we were back home, all students were asked to answer the Google questionnaire that you can see on the left - this will allow us to improve our project in the future.

Moreover, they wrote a bit about their experience in their digital portfolios: how they felt throughout the week and what they enjoyed most. Below you can find their thoughts on the project.

At the end of the page you will also find the memory of the project, as presented by the highschool.

Students' opinions and thoughts on their experience

  • It was a great place, the teachers were really cool, I had a great time there. The fact that some people has English as their first language it's really helpful, mostly because you couldn't use Spanish. Overall it helped me speak English and also socialize a little bit. The only bad thing that I can find could be the exterior bathrooms. (Noelia Arenas)

  • The stay in Molino viejo, La Rioja, was amazing. It has a very good installation, the playground is spectacular, the bedrooms were a little bit small, but very comfortable, the teachers and the monitor makes it better, they helped us in all the problems. I learned a lot of English, in every sense, use of English, listening...Simply, it was an unique experience. (Xavi Alonso)

  • In my opinión, the week was very good. My level of English and Science is better than before. The staff were very nice. It is true that it cost me a little time to get used to not having my mobile phone during the day. At first I missed my parents, but afterwards I got used to it. (Yannick Repiso)

  • The stay in la Rioja was very wonderful and funny. The lessons were very educational, I learned a lot of English & Science. Living without a mobile phone for one week was an opportunity to relate to each other and make new friends. (Marina Rubio)

  • When I finished the week, I literally wanted to stay a few more days. I met new people I never imagined I would talk to. I improved my English skills and I loved the experiments that we did during the project. Everything was perfect, I really liked it, I wish I could go back. (Rayhana Allou)

  • Going to La Rioja has been a very good experience, because I learned a lot of English in nature. When the responsible of the stay said that we can't use our mobile phones I was surprised because I didn't expect it! The monitors were very friendly so I didn't miss so much my family, also because I knew that I was to see them in a week. That was one of the better weeks of mi life and I miss this so much. I want to go to Ezcaray again! (Hoda Katai)

  • I really enjoyed the stay in La Rioja. I’ve learned to live with classmates I didn’t know and now we’re very friendly. I really liked this opportunity that the school gave us. The activities carried out have been very interesting, as we have learned different topics while we have also learned English. If they gave me that opportunity again I would not hesitate and say YES.(Jana Pérez)

  • I had a great time in Ezcaray because I had the opportunity to learn and improve my English. I had more relationships with people I didn’t have before, but I also missed my family, as I’ve never been so long without being with them. The thing about cell phones was okay because we were disconnected from the screens. If I could, I would go back and repeat the experience: it was unforgettable! (Nayara Grados)

  • In Ezcaray I had good days because I went there to learn and improve my English. The teachers were a lot of fun. Not having the mobile phone all the day was okay because we were disconnected from the social networks. I missed my parents a lot but it was an unforgettable experience. I would go back again. (Anna Tené)

  • The week in La Rioja I was very comfortable, and I had a great time. I made good friends. I also learned to explain myself better in English. I'd like to repeat it. (Lydia Pulido)

  • In La Rioja I had a great time, I learned a lot of English so I will speak and understand better people speaking English. I met new colleagues and teachers. (Daniel Marchal)

  • It was a very nice experience. We learned a lot about Science. We did experiments and inventions. One day, we designed an invention that could save an egg falling down from a second floor. I remember that my group won the competition! My classmates were super kind and at night, while we were brushing our teeth before going to bed, we laughed a lot. I had a lot of fun! (Jana Sabaté)

  • It was an experience that I want to feel again, because I "lived" with my best friends and with some people who are now new best friends. I wanted to participate in a camp like this one, because I learned a lot of English and we did lots of amazing activities. (Zaira Martínez)

  • I'm super happy for the wonderful experience, I learned a lot both English and coexistence and I would repeat a the experience a thousand times without hesitation. (Nayara Redondo)

  • It has been a super funny experience, I have had a great time. The cabins and everything was good, thanks to this camp I have new friends. I hope to come back one day! (Noelia Esteve)

  • Going to Ezcaray has been a good experience and I would go there again. We learned English and Science. It helped me a lot to improve my English. I also liked the classmates I went with. (Irene Torrents)

  • I think the activity has been great since I never thought that learning science in English would be so much fun. The instructors were very nice and the activities we did with them were very productive and fun at the same time. Not to mention that it has been a completely new experience for me, sleeping a whole week away from home, in addition to having to speak 24/7 in English. It was great! I would love to repeat this unique experience. (Yasmine Boutahar)

  • I really enjoyed the opportunity to go to Ezcaray. That week was very important for me, because after that time I speak much more in English and when we do a listening in English is easier for me. (Víctor Tamargo)
