Co-located Events

15th Workshop on Applications for Multi-core Architectures - WAMCA 2024



General Chair: Claude Tadonki (MINES ParisTech - PSL, France)

Since the advent of the multi-core concept, significant advances have been made on many of the related aspects. Multi-core has become a natural element in the HPC ecosystem, and its pervasiveness within the landscape of common computing devices has made it a standard. Therefore, hardware and software concerns related to multi-core are good targets for computer science investigations, with a high potential for a genuine contribution. 

Beside the plethora of applications for which more powerful solutions are still expected, efficient implementation techniques for many-core chip processors are of keen interest. WAMCA is aiming at providing an opportunity to address all aforementioned technical challenges and more, including reports on specific case studies. 

This workshop is an opportunity for application designers and computer architects to discuss new techniques and emerging applications as well as their implications on current and next-generation many-core architectures. Authors are invited to submit manuscripts reporting a technical contribution on multi-core related topics. More information here.

4th Workshop on E-science ReseaRch leading tO negative Results - ERROR 2024 (Cancelled) 



Ketan Maheshwari (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA) 

Justin Wozniak (Argonne National Laboratory, USA)

Daniel S. Katz (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)

Sorry for the inconvenience, this workshop is not going to happen in 2024.

ERROR 2024 provides the e-Science community a dedicated and active forum for exchanging cross-discipline experiences on research leading to negative results and lessons learned. The workshop covers both applications and systems areas, including topics in research methodology, reproducibility, the applications/systems interface, social problems in computational science, and other relevant areas. More information here.

Workshop on Cloud Computing - WCC 2024



Workshop Chair: Márcio Castro (UFSC, Brazil) 

Workshop Co-chair: Philippe O. A. Navaux (UFRGS, Brazil)

The Workshop on Cloud Computing (WCC 2024) is a worldwide workshop on cloud computing and related areas, attracting researchers, engineers, and students from the fields of big data, systems architecture, service-oriented architecture, virtualization, security and privacy, high performance computing, always with an emphasis on cloud computing platforms. We bring the workshop even closer to the HPC community. More information here.