Your Learning Resources

Academic Integrity

The Academic Integrity module introduces the basics of ethical academic practice and IMC's values and expectations for correct academic conduct. It is important for all students to maintain Academic Integrity throughout your studies.  

Please download this flyer if you have already completed the AIM module but would like a refresher.  

Library & English Language Support

Our IMC Library and English Support team run workshops throughout the term, teaching you valuable skills and equipping you with the tools you need to succeed in your studies.

Research, study techniques, academic writing and conversational English are just a few of the key areas covered in these workshops. You also have the option to book one-on-one appointments with our Librarian and English Language Support Officer.

Turnitin Support 

Turnitin is an online web-based software that is used to check the originality of assignments and the correctness of citation practices in an assignment. 

Once an assignment is submitted electronically through Turnitin, it will be checked against Turnitin's extensive database. Find more information and resources regarding Turnitin here

Digital Literacy

Technology continues to evolve daily. It is vital for learners to adapt to these changes and demonstrate the ability to showcase transferrable skills when operating in a digital society. 

For relevant knowledge and exposure to digital learning, please review the following link.