Develop Your Skills

Reading Skills

The amount of reading expected from you may be overwhelming and challenging. 

Reading skills enable you to link and form connections between ideas, concepts and texts, whilst questioning and potentially challenging judgements on various topics. 

Hone your reading skills by becoming an active reader.  

Referencing Skills

Referencing skills are essential as a student. You must always provide references to acknowledge the contributions and work of others. 

Find out how to accurately cite, support your arguments, and refrain from committing forms of academic misconduct. 

Study Skills

Improve your own personal method for studying and learning in a way that meets your own individual requirements. 

Study skills and abilities are methods you need to enable you to study and learn well. As you progress with your learning, you will notice what works for you, and what does not.

Presentation Skills

Whether you are in a team or working independently; you will deliver many presentations throughout the course of your studies. This guide will help you refine your presentation skills and you'll learn how to apply ability, innovation and creativity when demonstrating and showcasing your ideas to an audience.

Research Assistance 

Research is at the core of your studies and learning experience. It is important to be aware of the best practices and find ways that work for you.

Research Assistance can be tailored to your specific needs as a studentWe encourage those who require assistance with research to contact us and make an appointment. 

Critical Thinking

IMC have ideas and resources to help students succeed in your studies as well as the job market. 

Critical thinking enables you to become “work-ready” when you graduate.  It is very important to develop these skills for your future career success.

Academic English Skills

Your reading and research skills can be very good, but putting the content into words might be a challenge. Academic English is very important when it comes to writing assignments, giving presentations and taking exams. Our English Language Support Officer (ELSO) is here to help you improve your Academic English through individual consults or group workshops. 

To learn more about what our ELSO can do for you, contact them directly here!