React Hooks
2022/06/30 (增加連結)
Learn React Hooks in 2021 : With This Simple Guide + Extra Tips
5 New Hooks in React 18 : Exploring useTransition, useDeferredValue, useId, useSyncExternalStore, and useInsertionEffect
16.7沒有hooks,16.8才有 released on 2019/02/06
React Hooks(三):Redux-React-Hook
React Hooks確實簡化了連接React及Redux之間的代碼,而React Hooks本質較為接近函數式思維(functional thinking),也令要寫好單元測試更為簡單。當然,如上面所言,Redux-React-Hooks尚未成為正式專案,大家可以密切留意,看看是否會成為未來標準連接React及Redux的部件。
React | 為了與 Hooks 相遇 - Function Components 升級記
React Redux | 小孩子才做選擇! Hooks 和 Redux 我全都要!
React Lifecycles with Hooks Explained
Mount Events
Update Events
Unmount Events
Hook me up: Intro to React Hooks
Hooks based approach
Custom Hooks based approach
render: This is the function component body itself.
componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, componentWillUnmount: The useEffect can express all combinations of these.
shouldComponentUpdate: React.memo
constructor: Function components don’t need a constructor. You can initialise the state in the useState call. If computing it is expensive, you can pass a function to useState.
Some important Rules
Only call Hooks at the top level. Don’t try to call Hooks inside loops, conditions, or nested functions.
Only call Hooks from React function components. Don’t try to call Hooks from regular JavaScript functions.
Refactoring a React component from class to hooks
Hooks to the rescue
Should I use Hooks, classes, or a mix of both?
What’s the big deal with React hooks?
It’s to do with state management
Why Bother Using React Hooks? (5 Minute Example)
React Hooks: A Simple Introduction
Installing React Hooks
Using the State Hook
Using the Effect Hook
React Hooks Tutorial — Learn by Building
Learn the basics of React Hooks in <10 minutes
The State Hook
The Effect Hook
How to destructure the fundamentals of React Hooks
Actually, use state
How to use effects
Trying to make use of context
Let’s get hooked: a quick introduction to React Hooks
Custom Hooks
React Hooks Tutorial for Beginners: Getting Started With React Hooks (2019)
Get Rid of Your React Class Component: React Hooks in a Nutshell
Get Hooked: Hooks in React and Beyond **
Why are Hooks so exciting?
Sharing stateful logic between components
Managing state in components
Lifecycle methods
Higher-order components and render props
How are Hooks implemented (at a high level)?
Built-in React Hooks
useReducer is an alternative to useState and is preferable when you have a lot of state to work with.
Constructor( ) -> useState( )
componentDidMount( ) -> useEffect( )
Using renderless components in React to handle data
Refactoring: composition, SRP and SOC
Alternative: use a HOC
Enter the Hooks
Cool kids handle state with Hooks
Using a class component
Using a functional component
Using the useState hook
Using the useReducer hook
Rundown of the Most Important React Hooks
useState Hook
useEffect Hook
useContext Hook
useReducer Hook
useMemo Hook
Custom Hooks
Clean Components with React Hooks and the useReducer and useRef Hook
How I reduced the code in my Redux app by using Redux Hooks.
Hooked on Hooks : Playing around with React Hooks
useState Hook
useEffect Hook
Tips for using useEffect Hook
Rules of React Hooks
Some Best Practices for Building a React App With Hooks: A few handy tips to keep in mind when building an app from scratch
Proper folder structure
Asynchronous code with async/await
Basic error handling with try/catch blocks
Usage of React hooks
Best Practices with React Hooks
Follow the rules of Hooks
Use the ESLint plugin for React hooks
Create your function components in the right order
useState can be used exactly like the class component’s state. Not just for a single value
Use custom hooks for sharing application logic
Avoid prop drilling with useContext
5 Ways to Simplify Your React Hooks
Reduce Your `useState` Count
Prioritize Legibility
Evaluate the Contents of Your State Object
Take Advantage of Your Hook Return
Simplify Your `setState` Call With A Merge Hook
Consider Splitting Your Hook
Evaluate your `useEffect` calls to prevent unnecessary re-renders
Patterns for Doing API Calls in ReactJS
API Call on Component Mount
API Call on User Event (i.e. onClick, Form Submission)
API Call on Search Field (autocomplete, table search)
API Call on Paginate (with a limit)
API Call on Serialize Requests (2nd API call based on the 1st API call)
6 Reasons to Use React Hooks Instead of Classes
You don’t have to refactor a functional component into a class component when it grows
You don’t have to worry about “this” anymore
No more method bindings
Easier to decouple logic from UI, making both more reusable
Keep related logic in the same place
Sharing stateful logic between components
The Ugly Side of React Hooks (另一邊的說法)
How to Use React Hooks Like a Professional
Use Hooks as They’re Supposed to Be Used
Only call Hooks at the top level
Only call Hooks from functional components
There’s an ESLint Plug-In for React Hooks — Use It
useState Can Be Used With Objects Too!
Custom Hooks Are Awesome!
Don’t Use Prop Drilling
5 Key Lessons React Tutorials Don’t Teach **
How React state is actually updated
It’s better to use multiple effects instead of one
Don’t optimize functions that update state (useState, useReducer)
The useRef hook can preserve state across renders
How to prevent your React app from crashing
A mistake lots of React developers make almost everyday when using hooks.
Common React Hooks Mistakes You Should Avoid
Changing the Hooks Invocation Order
Using useState when Re-Render is not Required
Handling Actions via useEffect
Using the Obsolete State
Missing useEffect Dependencies
How to Create a Three-Layer Application with React Hooks **
The UI layer
The Business layer
The Data Access layer
Hooks API
Basic Hooks
Additional Hooks
Everything you need to know about React Hooks
Basic hooks
More advanced hooks
React.memo (Not a hook, but new)
Rarely used hooks
You Don’t Know useState Until You’ve Used Functional Updates **
改變state有兩種方式:傳入新的值、透過function (functional update)
How to Fix State That Does Not Update When Using React Hooks with setInterval
const timer = setInterval(() => {
setTime((time) => time + 1);
}, 1000);
React Hooks: Managing Web Sockets with useEffect and useState
Dangers of using Objects in useState & useEffect ReactJS Hooks
Do not use an object as state
Use the useReducer hook
Use immutable.js
How to Write UI components with optionally controllable state
Manage State Easier with React Hooks
Add Local State to Functional Component
Extract Common State Logic
No More Wrapper Hell
How to Reduce the Number of Re-renders When Updating States?
we can update one object instead state instead of multiple states.
How to Control a Checkbox with React Hooks : Quick start with the useState hook
2 scenarios React State shouldn’t be used for — Thinking in ReactJs
Storing DOM Elements
Storing Props in the state and accessing them from the state
5 useEffect Infinite Loop Patterns **
Without dependency
Function as dependency
Array as dependency
Objects as dependency
Wrong dependency
Improving your mental model of useEffect
The API of useEffect:
Accepts a function
If it returns a function, it will do cleanup when the component is unmounted
Has an optional 2nd argument to pass in the data it depends on
If we leave it blank — it will run on every single render.
If we pass in an empty array — it will execute only when the component mounts, and not on any updates
If we pass in a value — it will execute when any of those values change
If you are using the react-hooks eslint plugin (and you should) — not providing the dependencies to your useEffect will give you warnings.
When does useEffect run?
How do effects run?
Effects with cleanup
Example with multiple effects
React useEffect Hooks in Action
Introduction to Effect Hooks
Using Multiple useEffect to Separate Concerns
Re-Rendering React Functional Component
Optimizing Performance By Skipping “useEffect”
Only Running useEffect Once
Cleanup in useEffect
Handle API calls using async await with the useEffect hook: Understand the issue with using async keyword directly for useEffect function
Create a separate async function and call it from useEffect
Use an IIFE(Immediately Invoked Function Expression)
How To Easily Fetch Data With React Hooks: Using state in function components
Tips for Using React’s UseEffect Effectively
Child Effects Fire First
The Dependency Array
Multiple useEffect for Cleaner Code
Handle Dependencies in Functions
Always Call Hooks at the Top Level
React useEffect: 4 Tips Every Developer Should Know
Use a useEffect for a single purpose
Use custom hooks whenever you can
Conditionally run useEffect the right way
Type out every prop inside useEffect in the dependency array
Understanding the useEffect Dependency Array
What is a useEffect Hook?
What is a dependency array?
Do functions work in a dependency array?
Can we use mapStateToDispatch with useEffect?
Avoiding Race Conditions and Memory Leaks in React useEffect : Learn how to deal with the “Can’t perform a React state update on an unmounted component” warning
Debouncing API requests in React : Use the useEffect React hook to make your application more efficient by debouncing API requests
React v18: Why useEffect Suddenly Got Crazy? : Double mount in react useEffect() hook
React 18 — the trickiness of useEffect : Learn about a tricky behavior of the useEffect hook when using a Strict Mode in React 18
with useState
useContext (Context)
This is how to use the react context API with hooks for a clean code architecture (2019)
React — useState and useContext — moving from Class to Class-less
Passing callbacks down with React Hooks
useContext, useMemo, useCallback
We use the useMemo Hook to memoize the API object and the useCallback Hook to memoize the callbacks
Context & useContext
React: useContext and dependency injection
Using React Context
How to Use React’s Context API and useContext() Hooks Effectively
Hooks and Ladders : The useContext Hook
useReducer is another hook to manage the state in a component.
Avoid passing callbacks down
How to Utilize the useReducer and useContext Hooks to Mimic Redux Architecture
Step 1: Action Constants, Action Creators, Reducer
Step 2: useReducer & Context Provider
Step 3: useContext
React hooks useState and useReducer are equivalent in theoretical expressiveness
How to Use the useReducer React Hook to Share Data Between Components
Clean Components with React Hooks and the useReducer and useRef Hook
3 Ways To Handle State Better in React : Use useReducer, custom hooks, and more
Can we rely on useCallback as a semantic guarantee?
Memoizing a function with useCallback to ensure it doesn’t change
What about cache busting?
Exploring React Renders : Optimization and performance improvement using memo, useCallback, and useMemo
How to Force a Component to Re-render with React Hooks?
One way to create a forceUpdate function from React hooks is to use the useCallback function.
React Hooks — Using a wrapper to memoize event handlers and to prevent unnecessary re-renders
Debounce / Throttle
How to use Throttle and Debounce Callbacks in React with Hooks
By using debounce and throttle functions along with useMemo, we can control the frequent events invoked by actions like page scrolls, resizing the window, and typing values into input fields.
The useMemo Hook in React: How to optimize performance with useMemo hooks
Boost Performance of Your React App With Memoization
useMemo Hook
Should You Really Use useMemo in React? Let’s Find Out.
It is worth noting that the initial renders with useMemo take quite a setback in terms of performance. We expected an initial performance loss of around 5–10% consistently, but have found that this highly depends on the data/processing complexity and can even cause 500% performance losses, which is 100x more performance loss than expected.
How to Use the `useMemo` Hook in React to Build Efficient Components
React.useMemo and when you should use it
What problem does useMemo solve?
useMemo is a React hook that memorizes the output of a function. That is it. useMemo accepts two arguments: a function and a list of dependencies. useMemo will call the function and return its return value. Then, every time you call useMemo again, it will first check if any dependencies have changed. If not, it will return the cached return value, not calling the function. If they have changed, useMemo will call the provided function again and repeat the process.
When should you use it?
The easiest way to do it is to write code without useMemo first, then add as needed.
But do not overuse it
The overhead
No guarantees
Bonus: useCallback
useCallback is pretty much the same as useMemo, but for functions.
with useCallback
How to Memoize Components in React: Using React.memo, useMemo other APIs to limit re-rendering of components
Introducing Memoizing with React.memo
The useMemo and useCallback Hooks
Memoizing Considerations
Improve Performance in React.js Using Hooks: Understanding the power of useCallback and useMemo
Optimise React App Performance Using useMemo() and useCallback() Hooks Wisely.
Introduction to React.memo, useMemo and useCallback
What is React.memo
We use React.PureComponent with class component while React.memo works with functional components
useMemo and useCallback
useMemo returns a memoized value
useCallback returns a memoized callback
Using the useCallback and useMemo Hooks in React Components
We can use useCallback to cache functions and only recreate them when a state or prop changes.
The useMemo lets create variables derived from state or prop values and cache them until any dependent value changes.
Accessing the DOM nodes or React elements
Keeping a mutable variable
Updating a ref
React: Using Refs with the useRef Hook
Refs: Component mutations in React without state
How To Properly Use the React useRef Hook in Concurrent Mode
Clean Components with React Hooks and the useReducer and useRef Hook
React Hooks - Passing Child Component State Up with useRef
useRef hook can be helpful when passing state up from nested components where the component destination, doesn’t relay on that data. This technic doesn’t apply only for states, we can pass any data to a higher component in the tree using useRef.
React.useRef and React.createRef: The Difference: The similarities and differences of React.useRef and React.createRef.
React.createRef are used in class components to create refs.
In function components, we use React.useRef
Cancelling Fetch Requests in React Applications : Using useEffect, useRef and TypeScript
How to useRef to Fix React Performance Issues: And how we stopped our React context from re-rendering everything
How to useRef to Fix React Performance Issues : And how we stopped our React Context re-rendering everything
What is the Best Way to Build a Login Page?
Using React’s forwardRef and useImperativeHandle, we are able to receive the Input component’s values and functionalities that we defined, and use them in the parent component as required.
useId (React 18)
An Introduction to the useId() Hook in React 18 : The used() hook is a new way to generate a unique random Id in React 18.
useTransition (React 18)
useEvent (future)
custom hooks
Compose React Hooks Like Composing React Components: Why custom hooks are so powerful
Things you must know about React JS | Custom hooks/Lazy Loading /HOCs
Adding Search to a Full-Stack React Application: Using custom hooks to implement a debounced search feature.
Using Hooks for Lazy-Loading Images in React: Using Intersection Observer for lazy-loading images in React by creating and using a custom Hook: useIO
useAbstraction: React Hooks as a Tool for Abstraction and Encapsulation
A React Hook to Animate the Page (Document) Title and Favicon
React Custom Hooks #1: useLocalStorage : Make simple persisting data on the localStorage with React to save user preferences.
React Custom Hooks #2: useFontSize : Set and use a global CSS variable to change the base font size of your page.
React Custom Hooks #3: useToggle and useBoolean : Improve your way of conditionally render React components with these custom hooks.
Five React hooks useful in any project.
How To Do Infinite Scrolling the Right Way
Intersection Observer to the Rescue
Using a Debounced Callback in React (with hook)
Debounce Your Complex Selectors With React Hooks : Debouncing dependency-hungry React Redux selectors
Clean Up Your React Code With Custom Hooks
Custom hook with useMemo
Build a Sticky Table Header with React Hooks : Confront table limitation
s and turn its header into a sticky element with React hooks.
useOnlineStatus — A React hook to know when your app is offline
Persisting State in React Apps : usePersistedState
Introducing StateLake: You’ll Love Managing States This Way : A tiny React library for hooks-style state management with a shared store **
How to Use the React Hook useDeepEffect: A custom React Hook to perform a shallow equality check on the dependencies of a useEffect Hook
useBreakpoint Hook — Get Media Query Breakpoints in React: Creating a custom Hook to get window widths or breakpoints
How To Use Media Queries Programmatically in React: useBreakpoint hook #extended
Here Are 6 Awesome React Hooks
4 Nice and Simple React Hooks : useDebounce, useWhenVisible, useTimeout, and useInterval
4 Custom Hooks to Boost Your React App
With this hook, we can implement setTimeout using a declarative approach.
With it, we can store props or the previous state.
If you deal with event handling for clicking inside of wrapped components then the useClickInside hook is the right choice for you.
The useClickOutside hook is quite similar to the useClickInside hook but it takes care of clicking outside a wrapped component and not inside.
The useFetch hook can be used to implement fetch in a declarative way.
If you want to implement setInterval in a declarative manner you can use this hook called useInterval.
This hook is a small example of how to execute a callback right after a component is mounted.
useComponentWillUnmount is similar to the example above but will execute a callback as soon as the component is unmounted.
11 Useful Custom React Hooks for Your Next Web App
useFiler Hook (crooks)
useFetch Hook (Captain Hook)
useHover Hook (Captain Hook)
useSlug Hook (Captain Hook)
useDrag and useDrop Hooks (ahooks by Alibaba)
useDarkMode Hook (React Receipt)
Top React Hooks — Arrays and Cookies
React Recipes
Useful Custom Hooks for Tired React Devs
Universal Hooks
React Native
React context api without unwanted re-renders : react-hooks-in-callback
Hook Libraries
ahooks 3.0 is coming! a high-quality and reliable React Hooks library! (by Alibaba Group)
Top 10 React Hook Libraries : Recommended React hook libraries in 2021
React-cache, time slicing, and fetching with a synchronous API
react-cache & fiber
Why React Hooks, and how did we even get here?
You should call hooks at the top level of the render function.
You can only use hooks in React Function Components, and in Custom Hooks.
There aren’t hook primitives for componentDidCatch or getSnapshotBeforeUpdate.
How to make an app drawer with React Hooks and CSS
Part 1: Toggle Button
Part 2: The Drawer
Part 3: Polish
React Hooks in Apollo client for GraphQL queries and mutations
React Hooks Radar
Green hooks are main building blocks of modern React applications. They are safe to use almost everywhere without much thinking.
Yellow hooks provide useful performance optimizations by using memoization. Managing lifecycle and inputs should be done with caution.
Red hooks interact with mutable world using side effects. They are most powerful and should be used with extreme caution. Customs hooks are recommended for all non-trivial use-cases.
Obey Rules of Hooks.
Don’t do any side-effects in main render function.
Unsubscribe/dispose/destroy all used resources.
Prefer useReducer or functional updates for useState to prevent reading and writing same value in a hook.
Don’t use mutable variables inside render function, use useRef instead.
If what you save in useRef has smaller lifecycle than the component itself, don’t forget to unset the value when disposing the resource.
Be cautions with infinite recursion and resource starvation.
Memoize functions and objects when needed to improve performance.
Correctly capture input dependencies (undefined => every render, [a, b] => when a or b change, [] => only once).
Use customs hooks for non-trivial use-cases.
Testing Effects
Substituting useEffect with useLayoutEffect gets the tests to pass.
Functions as State
Setting State in Unmounted Components
React Hooks — How to use Hooks conditionally (Click Outside example)
Creating a custom Dropdown
A React hook for asynchronous state
Introduction to abortable async functions for React with hooks
Design patterns
Advanced React Patterns with Hooks
Render Props
Prop Getters
Compound Components
Programming Patterns with React Hooks
An Observer will attach itself to the Subject and wait patiently.
When the Subject changes, it will go notify all the observers with the latest data.
The way it works is that a Provider sets some values on a Context object that is set on a parent level of the component tree.
Any of the child components , called Consumers, can then grab those values from the context directly, instead of having to pass the values through the props of each of the children.
Fetch Data
How To Fetch Data From An API With React Hooks with fetch
Step 1 — Refactoring from a class to functional component
Step 2 — useEffect
Step 3 — moving from this.setState({}) to hooks
also add async await
How to fetch data with React Hooks? with Axios
Data Fetching with React Hooks
How to trigger a hook programmatically/manually?
Loading Indicator with React Hooks
Error Handling with React Hooks
Fetching Data with Forms and React
Custom Data Fetching Hook
Reducer Hook for Data Fetching
Abort Data Fetching in Effect Hook
Hook Your Fetch Requests With React
backend: mockapi
Making API Calls with React Hooks
Convert a React Class-Based Component to a Functional One Using a State Hook (form)
Inline form validations — UX design considerations and React examples
React Hooks — designing a simple forms API — part 3 — validation and a running example!
React Hooks — designing a simple forms API — part 4 — scaling to other input types
How I built an async form validation library in ~100 lines of code with React Hooks
How to Build a Dynamic, Controlled Form with React Hooks (2019)
Easily Create a Form With React Hooks
Received input from an end-user in one child component
Stored that data in a local state
Created a shared state at the top level
Populated the shared state with multiple instances of the local state
Output the shared state to a different child component
Best Practices for Handling a Form With Multiple Inputs Using React Hooks : Building an advanced filter with an elegant solution
handling controlled forms (storing values of inputs in a state)
controlling multiple inputs with the help of useReducer hook
filtering data using Array.filter() method
Global State Management
Managing global state with React’s Hooks & Context API: Alternative to Redux for complex React application
React state management before Redux
Global state management using Redux
Global state with State Hook and Context
Global state with Reducer Hook and Context
global-store-hook: a npm package
Manage global state with React Hooks
React hooks and ReactN
Understanding State Management in JavaScript by Building a Library Similar to Redux (with hooks)
State Management with React Hooks — No Redux or Context API
useState(), useEffect()
Hooking up a React state store: A simple React state store using hooks
React’s setState hook can be used to hold the store state and createContext (together with the context Provider and the useContext hook) can be used to pass the store state down to the components that need it.
Four patterns for global state with React hooks: Context or Redux
Pattern 1: Prop passing
Pattern 2: Context
Pattern 3: Multiple contexts
Pattern 4: Redux
Migration from class components
class NameOfComponent extends Component {
function NameOfComponent(props){
remove the constructor
remove the render() method, keep the return
add const before all methods
remove this.state throughout the component
remove all references to ‘this’ throughout the component
Set initial state with useState()
change this.setState() … instead, call the function that you named in the previous step to update the state…
replace compentDidMount with useEffect
replace componentDidUpdate with useEffect
Introduction to React Hooks: How to use State Hooks in React
Stateful Components
Working With Stateless Components
Working With React Hooks
Creating Stateful Components using functions
Some More Benefits of Using Hooks
Classes are complex
Class components become hard to understand with time
Component Size
Method Reuse
Performance and Confusion
Clean Your Code, Clean Your Mind
From Class Components to Hooks: A brief history
state objects & setState calls -> useState
Lifecycle Methods -> useEffect
React Hooks: Migration from Class to Function Components
Component State with React's useState Hook
Component Side-Effects with React's useEffect Hook
Abstraction with Custom React Hooks
5 Ways to Convert React Class Components to Functional Components w/ React Hooks
Class without state or lifecycle methods
Class with state
Class with multiple state properties
Class with state and componentDidMount
Class with state, componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate
Convert PureComponent to React memo
Managing State
Side Effects
Converting React Class Components to Function Components using Hooks (ToDo app)
React Hooks: Optimizing for performance
Adventuring Into React Hooks Performance Practices
Re-Renders Matter
Rule 1: Do Not Split State Between Several useState Methods for Connected Data Models
Custom Hooks
Rule 2. Make Sure You Return New Objects From Custom Hooks Only If They’ve Changed
How to Find These Re-Renders Before It’s Too Late?
With the useState hook, the business logic responsible for computing the new state would have to be inside all the components that would update the state.
With useReducer we can have all the business logic in one place (the reducer itself), making it easy to maintain and keeping the components focused on what they were primarily designed to do.
The useReducer hook keeps the “dispatching an action to update the state” pattern that’s used by Flux, Redux, Vuex and other state management solutions.
How to Utilize the useReducer and useContext Hooks to Mimic Redux Architecture
Step 1: Action Constants, Action Creators, Reducer
Step 2: useReducer & Context Provider
Step 3: useContext
A simpler entry to Redux (without Redux) using React Hooks
Creating the Store
Binding reducer to Store Provider
Defining the Reducer
Defining the Action creators
Connecting the store to the View
Dispatching actions from the View
Introducing References with the React.useRef() hook
How to integrate React Hooks into your project without changing your Redux code
React Hooks(三):Redux-React-Hook
React Hooks確實簡化了連接React及Redux之間的代碼,而React Hooks本質較為接近函數式思維(functional thinking),也令要寫好單元測試更為簡單。當然,如上面所言,Redux-React-Hooks尚未成為正式專案,大家可以密切留意,看看是否會成為未來標準連接React及Redux的部件。
How To Use Redux with React Hooks
Step 1 — Refactoring our class component to a functional component
Step 2— useSelector
Step 3— useDispatch
The Latest and Greatest Redux Hooks API: Implementing the newest Redux Hooks
Clean Up Redux Code with React-Redux Hooks: with redux hooks
Developing React custom hooks for Redux without react-redux
Handling loading and error states the right way
Using state objects
Building Basic React Authentication: Using hooks and context with react router
Goals For This Authentication System
Private and public routes
Redirect to Login
Redirect to referrer
Authentication Tokens
UI is intuitive and straightforward
Reach router
When to use React Suspense vs React Hooks
React Suspense is to a Monad as Hooks are to Applicative Notation
Effectful.JS is a transpiler for embedding effectful into JavaScipt. It supports both Monadic and Applicative targets. It greatly simplifies programs in the designing, implementing, testing, and maintaining stages.
Hooks and Suspense- React’s Class Warfare
“Suspense” gives React developers the ability to suspend the rendering of a component while it’s waiting for the resolution of other a-synchronous operations.
“Concurrent Rendering,” similarly with “Suspense,” can pause expensive rendering processes to make high priority DOM updates first. It can be used in combination with “Suspense” to improve user experience by “skipping unnecessary loading states on fast connections.”
“Hooks” allow function components to use state and lifecycle features.
How to Build a Todo List with React Hooks
with Material UI
React Hooks in Action: Building a Todo App (hint: no classes)
React Hooks Tutorial — Create a Number Trivia Generator Website
Build a React Accordion Component from Scratch Using React Hooks
Let’s Learn React Hooks and Context API by Building a Recipe Search App (part 1)
Let’s Learn React Hooks and Context API by Building a Recipe Search App (part 2)
This hook takes two functions as arguments. First function represents what has to be done before waiting and second function represents what has to be done before resuming. Hook returns two functions — first to start the action and second to resume the original flow. Usage would look like this.
React Hooks: Making it easier to compose, reuse, and share React code
Using React Hooks to sync your component state and the URL Query string
The Power of React Hooks: Create an app using only this new feature from React
we’ve learned how to use a hook to let our component play audio files
we’ve learned how to enhance a component to always be aware of the current time
Mastering Drag & Drop using ReactJS hooks
with styled-components and lodash
How to add to an array in React State: The push() function will not work, but the concat() function can update state in React when state is a JavaScript array.
Intro to React Hooks with simple examples
Example 1: State in a Simple Form
Example 2: Side Effects with a Stop/Go Timer
useEffect & custom hook
Example 3: Themed Blog
Build a React App using Basic Hooks
Creating React App
Using Materialize
Using Context
Creating Components
Updating the App component
Styling the App
Testing the App