2022/06/11 (增加連結)
React 是一個專注於 UI(View)的 JavaScript 函式庫(Library),利用純JavaScript在前端產生HTML(而不是由後端產生)。但是,React並沒有提供css及對應的js,所以,還是需要採用如Material-UI、Bootstrap或Semantic-UI的UI架構。
Web programming (react + spring / rest)
React Learning Roadmap For 2021
Getting Started
JavaScript To Know For React
Core Components
Components & Props
State & Lifecycle
Reconciliation & Virtual DOM
React: Behind the scenes : Working with Virtual DOM, Reconciliation, Diffing Algorithms
Handling Events
CSS In React
State Management
Data Management
REST APIs (in react & REST )
Backend Development
Content Management System
Server-Side Rendering
Next.js (in Node.js)
Not only it works with React, but also with Reason, Elm, Vue, Angular and will work whatever comes next.
Jest & Enzyme (in test )
Top 7 Libraries for Blazingly Fast ReactJS Applications
React Query
React Hook Form
A 2021 Roadmap to Learning React
React basics: components, props, lifecycle methods, and states
React Hooks
React Router
React Query
More Advanced
Redux and Redux Thunk
Advanced React concepts
How To Learn React in 2021: The 7 Skills You Need To Know
Step 1: Become confident with the core fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Step 2: Learn React fundamentals and React hooks
Step 3: Learn to fetch data from both REST and GraphQL APIs
Step 4: Learn to style your React apps with a component library or utility class library
Step 5: Manage state in React with React context
Step 6: Learn a React router. In particular, react-router-dom
Step 7: Learn patterns for authentication in React
React for Real (不錯的電子書,不過有些內容需要更新,例如,還沒更新為functional component也沒使用hook)
猴子也能看懂的 React 教學
猴子也能看懂的 React 教學 - 1 - React 概念
React 概述
React 特色 – 為什麼我要用它?
用純 JS 在前端產生 HTML (一般來說是在後端產生 HTML 送到前端)
使用 Virtual DOM,重繪時效率高
Is Virtual DOM Derived From Document Fragments? : An interview guide for DOM, document fragments, virtual DOM, React fragments, incremental DOM, and shadow DOM
自定義 Component,方便開發
父子 Component 可透過 props 通訊
只負責 MVC 的 View 部份,所以不算框架,彈性高
因為完全是 JS 操作 UI 的關係,使得它可以跟後端分離,達到即時互動、自動更新的效果
只是一個 JS 函式庫,所以容量小易移植
props & states
Component Lifecycle - 元件的生命周期
猴子也能看懂的 React 教學 - 2 - 開始打 code 啦~
ES5 vs ES6
猴子也能看懂的 React 教學 - 4 - 從 React 走向框架,把後端移到前端
React router
** 在 react router 4裡面,沒有IndexRoute了
const App = () => (
<Route exact path="/" component={Home}/>
30天React從入門到入坑 (2018 iT 邦幫忙鐵人賽)
激戰 ReactJS 30天 (2018 iT 邦幫忙鐵人賽)
一步一腳印的React旅程 系列 (2019 iT 邦幫忙鐵人賽)
Tutorial: Intro to React (官方教學)
Getting Started (官方文件)
react from facebook (官方github)
Create a New React App (官方文件)
with create-react-app
Updating with user input
Styling our app
React for Beginners
React for Beginners - Part 1: Introduction
with create-react-app
Learn Basics of React.js in 11 Minutes
What is Virtual DOM?
What is JSX?
What is a Component?
What is Props?
What is a State?
What are Styles?
What is Proptype?
What are Forms?
What are Lifecycle methods?
A Complete Beginner’s Guide to React
State and Props
Event Handlers
Bonus: Functional components
Learn React with the React Starter Kit
Part 1: Intro to React
Part 2: React Starter
Part 3: React Router
Part 4: React Redux
Part 5: What’s Next?
React basic 1 — "Hello React World". Setting Up Your First React App.
React basic 2 — JSX, the syntax extension to JavaScript that looks like HTML
From HTML to Understanding Modern Web-Application Development With React
5 Things Novice React Developers Do Wrong
Forgetting to Capitalize React Components
It turns out that React treats lowercase components as DOM tags instead. If you are new to React, you may have missed this tiny little detail in the React docs.
Calling Received Props Wrongly
To access the props that were passed in by the parent component, the child component must ensure that they call the correct prop names.
Passing Incorrect Types of Props
Calling setState() Inside render()
Asynchronous Nature of setState()
Architecting your React application. The development and business perspective of what to be aware of
Dev stack and toolkits — razzle (server) or create-react-app (client)
UI Library: Dashboard UI Kit
State management — Redux
Localisation — react-i18next
Routing — react-router
Front-End Development with JavaScript using Reactjs , Redux , Sass and Webpack
Resources for Front End Developers & Thoughts on Angular, React, Redux, Node and Git
Coding Paths
React Native Radio Episodes on
React JS Tutorials on YouTube
Build App with React - Live Coding Series on YouTube
30 days of React on FullstackReact
React + Redux
Start your journey into the world of React by learning these basics
Virtual DOM
Creating ReactApp
What is JSX?
Prop vs State
Accessing Remote API
React JS for Beginners — The Basics
React Virtual DOM
React’s Core Syntax: JSX
JSX (JavaScript XML) is a syntax extension to JavaScript used by React.
Creating a Simple App With React.js: Build a simple task-tracker app from scratch with React
4 reasons you still struggle learning React
You don’t know JavaScript well enough
You don’t know JS ES6 syntax
You struggle with OOP concepts
You’re trying to learn React and Redux at the same time
Core things
Create React app — React starting kit from Facebook
Duck structure — Project architecture
Core things
Create React app — React starting kit from Facebook
The major change in React ecosystem is the change in React library itself with the introduction of hooks.
Now I have refactored my demo app with the functional components and hooks. They are more convenient and result in less JavaScript code after being transpiled.
Duck structure — Project architecture
Main modules
Redux — State management
Formik — Working with forms (replaces Redux Form)
Redux-Saga — REST and WebSocket API
React Router — Client side routing
I18next — Translation
Material-UI — Styling and working with CSS (unless you want to build your own design system)
Redux devtools — state and actions monitoring
Lodash — Data handling toolkit
Query String — Query string parser
Date-fns — Date and time management
Testing — Jest + Enzyme
Let’s Talk About React: A guide covering React’s history, syntax, and more
Understanding React's history
Some JavaScript concepts useful in React
Synchronous and asynchronous
this keyword
Ternary operator
React essentials
Lifecycles in React
Passing data to child components
Multi Page Application
JavaScript (本網站)
Javascript for react (Web Programming課程教材)
All The JavaScript You Need To Know Before Learning React
Es6 classes
Array functions (especially filter and map) you will use them a lot!
Arrow functions
let and const
Imports and Exports
Spread and Rest Operator
The ‘this’ concept
10 JavaScript Concepts You Need to Master React (+ Cheatsheet)
let and const variables
Template Literals
Arrow Functions
Powerful Array Methods (.map(), .filter(), .reduce(), etc.)
Default parameters
Spread Operator
Short Conditionals
ES Modules
Promises + Async / Await
Updating a value in a nested array of objects
Step 1: Find the element
Step 2: Create a copy of the state array
Step 3: Update the one value
Step 4: SetState
4 useful JavaScript Shorthands you can use in React.js
The if-else shorthand
The Spread Operator Shorthand
Template String / Multiline Strings
5 Epic React Tips To Use Today
Replace Redux with React Query
Make React Context Easier with a Custom Hook
Manage Context Providers in a Custom Component
Pass props easier using the object spread operator
Map over fragments with React fragment
Small Tips to Write Better React Code
Object destructuring
Simplify your conditional statements
Spread Operator
Template Literals
Object Indexing in React Part II : Another example for how to stop overusing array functions
What the heck is JSX and why you should use it to build your React apps
Smart ways to write JSX in your React app
Rendering nothing
Conditional rendering
React Fragments
const headline = (
{ age >= drinkingAge ? 'Buy Drink' : 'Do Teen Stuff' }
Thinking About console.log Usage in React
Composing specific but succinct messages
Utilizing debugger or alert as alternatives
Using a component/constants to selectively print messages
Deciding message necessity (creation and deletion)
The most used solution:
render() {
return (
<h1>List of todos</h1>
{ console.log(this.props.todos) }
React Components
These React Fundamentals You Skip may be Killing You
How React works under the hood
functional component vs. class based component
React Only Updates What’s Necessary. True?
Wasted Renders vs. Visual Updates
React.js: a better introduction to the most powerful UI library ever created
Concepts to become an advanced React developer
Use Fragment instead of div
Use context more
Have at least one Error Boundaries
React Error Handling and Logging Best Practices
Error Handling
Error handling with Error Boundaries — For class components
Error handling with Try-Catch — Catch beyond boundaries
Using react-error-boundary Library — The best way
Log level
Use production build in LIVE environment
Use Refs to interact with child
Use code splitting
Static Type Checking
React Refs
These are the concepts you should know in React.js (after you learn the basics)
The Component Lifecycle
Higher-Order Components
React State and setState()
React Context
Stay up to date with React!
Understanding how to code ReactJS
Refactoring for big react applications!
Structuring your project
Presentational and Container components
Wrapping your components
Dynamic loading
Make your code beautiful
5 Practices in React You Might Find Effective
Sidebar with Recursion
Combining Multiple Providers
Declaring Components with an HTML Tag Name as a String
Mapping Components Through Exports
Allow Components to be Controlled Elsewhere
6 Easy React Tricks That May Surprise You
React Keys with Fragments
String Values as HTML Elements
Pass a Function to setState
Implement useState with useReducer
Manually Re-render a Component
Move Objects or Functions Out of Component If There is No Direct Props/State Dependency
3 Extremely Useful React Tips to Speed Up The Development Process
Toggling Components
Destructuring Props and State
React Tips — Modern Structures and State Updates
Reduce the Use of Class Components
With the introduction of React hooks, function components are now smart. Therefore, we can use function components like we did we with class components, but without the headache of this and lifecycle hooks.
Don’t use Props in Initial State
The better way to reference props is to do it in componentDidUpdate . It’s a lifecycle method that lets us update the component when something change, such as when props change.
React Tips — Component Organization
Container and Presentational Components
Code Splitting
React Tips and Tricks You May Have Missed
Use React Hooks In Functional Components
Use The React Context API For Passing Props
Styled Components
Delicious React Apps : Advanced recipes to level up your apps
Context API
When you find yourself passing props down deep into your tree
You need a global state (user settings, translations, themes, etc)
Someone tells you to use Redux when it’s not really needed
Presentation / Container components
Render Props
Six Ways To Get Better At React
ESLint + TypeScript
Dive Deep Into Hooks
Don’t Optimize Too Soon
Know When To Make A New Component
Concentrate On Testing
When to use Global vs Local State
5 Tips to Write Better React Code
Destructure props
Keep correct order of import modules
Use Fragments
Use Presentational and Container Components
Use styled-components
Starting With React? Benefit From These Coding Tips
Rendering multiple components
Conditional rendering
Handling events
Using state in a component
8 Development Tips for React Developers
Updating an object with setState in React
Updating a nested object in React
Deploy App on a subdirectory
Render nested object
Simple nested Mapping
Detect Route Change
history push INSTEAD OF window.location
Query String
These 5 Tips Will Change The Way You Build React Apps
Tip #1: SSR
Tip #2: Service Workers (PWA)
Tip #3: Localhost HTTPS
Tip #4: “Code Splitting” with @loadable/component
Tip #5: Tachyons & Styled-Components
React Portals: What are they and why should we use them?
Two common examples for doing this are when the parent element has styling (like a z-index pushing it to the front of the page or an overflow: hidden) but you want the child to visually appear on top of its container.
Conditional Render
Passing Down Props
Destructuring Props
Provider Pattern
High Order Components
Render Props
Function component
Destructuring props
JSX spread attributes
Merge destructured props with other values
Conditional rendering
Children types
Array as children
Function as children
Render prop
Children pass-through
Proxy component
Style component
Event switch
Layout component
Container component
Higher-order component
State hoisting
Controlled input
Compound Components Pattern
Control Props Pattern
Custom Hook Pattern
Props Getters Pattern
State reducer pattern
Environment variable
Managing .env Variables In React App: A step by step guide to setting up multiple staging environments
How To Correctly Build a Multi-Environment React App with react-app-rewired and env-cmd
What Time Is It?: Develop your own world clock with React
Create, Start, and Deploy Your React-App
Create The World (in far less than six days)
Adding Time Zones
Interact With The World
How Can You Save Light? (daylight saving)
How to Implement Instant Search within 5 Minutes in your React App using MeiliSearch
Build a beautiful Job Search App using React : Learn how to use Lazy loading, Context API, add Load More functionality, Create Custom Hooks and much more
Conditional Rendering
8 React conditional rendering methods
Prevent rendering with null
Element variables
Ternary operator
Short-circuit operator (&& )
Immediately-Invoked Function Expressions (IIFE)
High Order Components (HOCs)
4 Ways to Conditionally Render in React
Using If..else
Using a Switch Statement
Using a Ternary Operator
Short Circuit Evaluation Using &&
Material Design
isomorphic web app boilerplate (Node.js, Express, GraphQL, React.js, Babel, PostCSS, Webpack, Browsersync)
eGroup 團隊的 React Starter Kit example,這個example包括
React Team推薦的工具 (只列部份)
Editor Integration
Visual Studio Code
Build Tools
Create React App
Create React App
Reach Router (未來跟react router整併)
Apollo (GraphQL)
react-bootstrap (currently support bootstrap 3)
reactstrap (support bootstrap 4)
10 Productivity Tools for React Developers in 2020
Create React App
React Cosmos
React Toolbox
React Bootstrap
React Slingshot
React Testing Library
The React Developer Tools You Should Know in 2019
Component Libraries
React Material-UI, Grommet 2.0, React Bootstrap, Reactstrap, Prime React, Elemental-UI, Semantic-UI & more.
Styling Components
State Management
Among the popular tools, you can find Unstated, as well as the re-rise of Mobx which incorporates React’s encapsulated-components paradigm. It also reviews the new Context-API which is a promising alternative to Redux.
The 2018 “State of JS” survey lists the most in-demand testing frameworks looking forward into 2019, with popular testing frameworks such as Jest, Mocha, Karma and more to make TDD simpler on the component level.
Kick-Starters and Boilerplates
With the release of create-react-app 2.0 it seems like this React app boilerplate remains the most popular and recommended projects out there. However, it’s also worth taking a look at projects like React-Boilerplate and React Slingshot which provide an alternative for different use cases.
React Hooks and Context-API
React Static-site Generators
React brought a new era into the composition of component-based static websites, with new frameworks like Gatsby and React static.
Bit (community版:免費)
Will Bit Replace npm? : What role do Bit and play in web development?
React devTools
Redux devTools
Boilerplates & Kick-Starters
Are React Boilerplates Obsolete?
So what are the alternatives to using a boilerplate?
Set up the project by yourself.
Use create-react-app
If you are working on a client-side rendered application that doesn’t require webpack customization, I would recommend that you use create-react-app
Use create-next-app
If you need custom build configurations, or you need to support server-side rendering or static site rendering, then go with create-next-app.
Create React App (50k stars) (推薦)
React Boilerplate (18k stars)
React Slingshot (8.5k stars)
Reactide (not officially released yet)
React Studio (For macOS 10.12 or higher)
How and Why to Add a Storybook.js Design System to Your Existing React Application
Building a Design System Package With Storybook, TypeScript, and React in 15 Minutes
Create React Components Using Hygen with storybook files
An In-Depth Look at Storybook 6
Zero-configuration setup
Dynamic component editing
Multiple Storybook Composition
Documentation improvement
5 Tips to Help Improve Your UI Development Environment : Advice for configuring your React-Styleguidist
Describe Connected Components
Develop Mobile Version of Component
Customize Style Guide
Document Your React Applications The Right Way with react-styleguidist
React-Bootstrap (bootstrap 3, will be ready for bootstrap 4)
Reactstrap (for bootstrap 4)
React Toolbox (for Google's Material Design)
React Belle
50 amazing tools for developers 2018
React tools (30-34)
React Datasheet
React Native for Web
Reactide (not officially released yet)
React Studio (For macOS 10.12 or higher)
ORY Editor (written in react)
React.js: 5 awesome packages you need to try out
Five awesome React packages to check out
React Loader Spinner
React Animated Burgers
React Responsive Carousel
React CountUp
React Markdown
Advanced Roadmap for React.js developers
Server-Side Rendering
Static Site Generator
Backend Framework Integration
Virtual Reality
Better alternatives to the most popular React libraries
moment VS date-fns
Formik VS React Hook Form
React-router vs HookRouter (第一次聽到)
Lodash VS Native JavaScript
5 Essential Libraries For Your Next React Application
CSS-Modules and Classnames
Testing Library
7 React Libraries That Will Make Your Life Easier
Lodash makes JavaScript easier by taking the hassle out of working with arrays, numbers, objects, and strings.
React Bootstrap (UI)
If you need a multilanguage application, then you’ll definitely need the React-18next library.
React DnD (UI)
Material UI (UI)
React Spinners (UI)
Enzyme (Testing)
React.js Libraries that you never heard about
React 360 (3D VR library)
React NodeGUI
8 React Libraries That I’d Like To Introduce To You
React Lazyload
React Responsive
React Beautiful DnD
Styled Components
React Select
React Helmet
React Tooltip
React Markdown
Must-Have Weapons in Your React Armory
React Dev Tools
React developer tools are available for Chrome and Firefox as an extension
How Using React Dev Tools Made Me Better Developer
I Streamlined My Workflow
I Improved My Debugging
I Discovered What Slows Me Down
I Learned Useful Tricks
Styled Components
Translate Create-React-App with React-Intl: How to set up react-intl with CRA without ejecting
Provide the Context
Create some messages
Creating our LocaleContext
Extracting intl messages
Passing messages to react-intl
Storybook allows you to write and test components in isolation.
Moreover, the storybook also serves as a living document of what has been done so far.
React Testing Library
React Testing Library comes up with guidelines about what should be tested, allowing us to test the DOM changes and updates as good as what the end-user will perceive.
5 Great Libraries for New React Developers
Semantic UI
5 Micro libraries to elevate any React JS project
5 Awesome React.js Libraries You Should Know About
Here Are 6 Useful React Components
React Credit Cards
React Sidebar
React Tooltip
React Libraries You’ll Want to Check Out for Your Next Project
Libraries For Styling
Libraries For DataCharts
User Interface
11 React UI Component Playgrounds for 2018
Bit (community版:免費)
React component playground
React live
JS Bin
21 React UI Component Libraries You Should Start Using from Today
The Top 3 React UI Libraries for Beginners
React Bootstrap
React Suite
Ant Design
Ant Design is by far my preferred React UI library.
Material-UI (Google Material Design)
React-Bootstrap (bootstrap 3, will be ready for bootstrap 4)
Ant Design React
Reactstrap (for bootstrap 4)
React toolbox (Google Material Design)
React Desktop
Onsen UI
Elemental UI
Prime React
Fabric (in Typescript)
Carbon Components
Khan React Components
Gestalt by Pinterest
Material Components Web
React MD (Google Material Design)
React Foundation
React Virtualized
Best UI Frameworks for your new React.js App
Material-UI (Google Material Design)
React Desktop
React-Bootstrap (bootstrap 3, will be ready for bootstrap 4)
Reactstrap (for bootstrap 4)
React-Toolbox (Google Material Design)
Material-UI (Google Material Design)
React-Bootstrap (bootstrap 3, will be ready for bootstrap 4)
Reactstrap (for bootstrap 4)
React Toolbox (Google Material Design)
React Native Web
Here Are 5 Useful React Components: Building an awesome user interface
React Beautiful Dnd
React Big Calendar
React Virtualized
React Spring
Fluent UI React— How we cut more than 30% of component’s bundle size by creating icons package
React Spectrum
React Spectrum — A React implementation of Spectrum, Adobe’s design system.
React Aria — A library of React Hooks that provides accessible UI primitives for your design system.
React Stately — A library of React Hooks that provides cross-platform state management and core logic for your design system.
Configure a Responsive Grid Component in a ReactJS Application in 14 Steps
React Socks and Responsive Web Design With React
Rendering viewport-specific components without hassle
The ability to name and define your own breakpoints where you need them (React Socks also has predefined breakpoints as well, if you prefer not to customize them)
The potential for improved app performance if you lazy load viewport-specific components
Simpler and sweeter syntax, for ease of use
Create a Modern Dynamic Sidebar Menu in React Using Recursion
Build a Rich Text Editor with Editor.js : react-editor-js for React
Top 5 Rich Text Editors for React in 2021
Draft.js — Most Popular Free Editor for Basic Needs
How To Implement a Rich Text Editor in Your React App
Slate.js — Free Editor with Complex Content Support
Quill.js — Free API Driven Editor with Themes
TinyMCE — Commercial Feature Rich Text Editor
KendoReact — Commercial Production Ready Editor
Building a minimum viable UI with React and open source components
Why Keys Matter in React : And why you shouldn’t ignore key warnings in your console
3 Common Mistakes With React Keys
Mistake #1: Not Using a Key
Mistake #2: Adding the Key in the Wrong Place
Mistake #3: Not Using a Stable Identifier as a Key, Especially When Working With Dynamic Lists
Render sparklines as SVGs in React.
Master UX with React in 2020: Four Ways to Upgrade Your React App User Experience
Tactic 1: Improving your loading screens
Tactic 2: Implement Placeholder Content
Tactic 3: Master the Fade In
Tactic 4: Insert lovable micro-interactions
Improving React UX: Micro-interactions
Improving Your React App UI: Upgrades to Five Essential Components
#1: Improving our Tables with the versatile Material-Table
#2: Improving our Maps with the powerful React-Map-GL
#3: Improving our Headers with the easy React-Headroom
#4: Improving our Lists with the beautiful React-Sticky
#5: Improving our Notifications with the simple Cogo-Toast
How To Create Maps in React : Learn how to create a maps using React and Leaflet.
How To Use Matter.js in a React App: No physics experience required
React-Three-Fiber: Build 3D for the Web With React and WebGL Easily
Make your React websites fun by adding interactive 3D objects : A simple tutorial on using React-Three-Fiber with React.
Enter the 3D Coding World: React + ThreeJS = R3F (React-three-fiber)
Anima — Design to code 2021 new features : Download React components; group layers; convert to image, and code quality improvements
Device Detect
How to Easily Detect the User Browser in React : Introduction to React Device Detect
Drag and Drop
Build a Drag and Drop (DnD) layout builder with React and ImmutableJS
How to make and test your own React drag and drop list with 0 dependencies
Creating a drag and drop uploader with previews using React: And writing your first custom hook in the process
Let’s Build a Simple Bulletin Board React App with react-draggable
Build a Dashboard With Drag-and-Drop Dynamic Widgets in React : React-Grid-Layout
Style / CSS
4 Ways to add Styles to React Component
Add the Global Styles to “index.html” File
Create a Style for Each Individual Component
Adding Inline Style to React Component Elements
Attach style property to JavaScript Style Object
Plain CSS Sytlesheet
Inline Styling
CSS Modules
Styled Components
Four ways to style react components
CSS Stylesheet
Inline styling
CSS Modules
4 Popular Ways To Style Your React Components
CSS Modules
CSS Stylesheets
The Basics of Styling and Writing CSS in React
Styling and CSS
Inline Styling
Module CSS
JavaScript Within JSX
Embed expressions within JSX
JSX is also an expression
Specify element properties with JSX
Build a Stunning Breadcrumb Component in React with Plain CSS
Build a Modern, Customized File Uploading User Interface in React with Plain CSS
Keeping your CSS in JS clean : A guide to using stylelint with emotion or styled-components
Encapsulated CSS: The Key to Composable Layouts
The Two Principles of Encapsulated CSS
Components do not lay themselves out
Components style themselves and layout only their immediate children
5 Ways to animate a ReactJs app in 2019.
CSS method
It is an add-on component for a simple implementation of basic CSS animations and transitions.
React-animations implements all animations from animate.css. Simple to use!
React Reveal
This is an animation framework for React.
library that uses for animation
Framer Motion / react-pose
Using Framer Motion to Create a Lazy Load Image Component in React
Smooth Animations With React and Framer Motion
Framer Motion
Framer Motion is the successor to the Pose animation library.
Introduction to Framer Motion for React : How to create animations with React
Blazing Fast React Animations with (and without) Redux
GSAP (Greensock Animation Library)
React: SVG Stroke Animation with CSS Explained: And creating a CSS menu toggle transition with styled components
Introduction to Remotion — Create Videos and Animations with React
How to Use (and Manipulate) Airbnb’s Lottie Animations in React
Adding Calendar To Your React App
Date picker
How to handle forms with just React (with fetch)
How to Create Forms for Your React/React Native App
Controlled vs Uncontrolled Forms
How to choose a form library?
Popular Form Libraries
Formik -React and React Native
Formsy React -React and React Native
React Hook Form -React and React Native
Redux Forms -React and React Native
Testing Async React Forms : Testing asynchronous forms with Formik and Testing Library
Validation Of Complex Forms In React.JS: Part 1
with react-validation-boo
Easiest User Validation on authentication with indicative on ReactJS
How I tried to validate React forms (with hooks)
with Material UI
Formik For React: Introduction to Form Management Done Right
Managing forms in React with Formik: Introduction to the Formik library to manage forms in React
Comparison with Redux Form
Installation of Formik and building our first form
Validating Formik forms with Yup
The HOC withFormik
This is an attempt to rethink Yup as an object schema builder and not just for Formik’s validation.
React-Hook-Form ** 推薦 **
Build the Next Generation of Forms With React Hooks Forms
Basic Usage
register: To connect a field to rules or validation functions.
handleSubmit: To check and validate all fields before sending submit.
watch: This will watch specified inputs and return their value.
errors: Contains form errors or error messages that belong to each input.
Register Fields
Handle Fields Errors
Drag and Drop Builder
Is React Hook Form the future?
Easy to use
Super Light
React Hook Form vs. Formik: A technical and performance comparison
Formik outperformed Redux Form in terms of size, best practices, and performance, but in this article, we will see how Formik measures up against the new kid on the block, React Hook Form. We will compare the two libraries and determine who will emerge as the victor in the end.
It is clear that React Hook Form is the overall winner. Although it is still new, it is already an incredibly powerful library.
A big difference between the two is that React Hook Form is designed to make use of uncontrolled components to avoid unnecessary re-rendering caused by user inputs.
React Hook Form — An Elegant Solution to Forms in React : How to use react-hook-form to build clear and maintainable React forms.
The Easiest Way to Deal with Forms in React : Use React Hook Form to improve performance in your application
The #1 Best Design Pattern for Managing Forms in React : with react-hook-form
with Apollo Component, Logic Component, View Component
The Best React Form Library To Use In 2020
React Hook Form **
While other form libraries like final-form and Formik rerender on every change event, React Hook Form embraces uncontrolled form validation. This reduces your number of rerenders to the bare minimum.
Formik is one of the most popular form libraries in the React ecosystem. It allows you to easily build complex forms, and it works nicely with yup validation.
React Final Form
React-Final-Form is built by the same author as Redux Form. For years, Redux Form was the gold standard in React form libraries. However, the React community moved away from Redux Form in search of more lightweight and performant alternatives. Unlikely Redux Form, Final-Form is a zero-dependency solution.
Learn the simple way of building forms in React using Context API
All About Javascript Event Listeners, Propagation, and Bubbling (part 1)
Some About React Event Listeners (part 2)
This is why we need to bind event handlers in Class Components in React (ES6)
How to write event handlers in React
Declaring handler functions
Multiple event handlers
Importing generic handlers
How onChange Differs Between React and Vanilla JavaScript
How to Hang the Event Handler to the React JSX Element
Can Vanilla Work Like React?
Yes, absolutely. This is actually extremely easy. All you need to do is use onInput instead of onChange.
Preventing click events on double click with React, the performant way
What’s the Difference Between Synthetic React Events and JavaScript Events?: Understanding the key differences between JavaScript events
Pass parameters to React event handler without wrapping the function
How Podac loads images 95x faster
Solution 1: Preloading the Unsplash Image
Solution 2: Saving to Chrome’s Image Cache
Progressively Loading Images In React: Making a Medium Style Image Loader With Intersection Observer and React Hooks
How Medium stories loads images
The image loading does not begin until the image enters the viewport
Then a “blurred up” thumbnail loads
Then the full-size image loads and replaces the thumbnail
We can categorize this image loading technique into two distinct features.
Lazy loading
“Blur Up”
How to Implement Lazy Loading in React with Intersection Observer : An explanation of how to load images lazily
Importing images in React ** 連結失效
React Background Image Tutorial – How to Set backgroundImage with Inline CSS Style
How to handle and design the startup of a React application
Why should I display a loading screen instead of a static screen on application start ?
How to display a loading animation and block the UI display as long mandatory processes haven’t loaded ?
The implementation of our app loading process
React Loading Screen Tactics — Improving User Experience
React UX: Mastering the Fade In
React User Experience Tactics: Placeholder Loading Content
React-Content-Loader and Create-Content-Loader
Speed Up Your React UX with Skeleton Screens
React Content Loader
React PlaceHolder
React Loading Skeleton
Responsive and Progressive Video Loading in React: How to create responsive HTML5 videos with React
Build a Skeleton Component in React for Better UX: A loading component gives users something to look at while your page loads
Create A Medium-like Modal with React
Part 1: Creating a modal in React
Part 2: Make it look like Medium’s modal
React Portals
How to Quickly Create a Popup Box in React
Using a combination of ReactDOM.createPortal, e.stopPropogation and a functional children component we created a lightweight popup box that closes when the background or the Submit button is clicked.
Build a full-featured Modal dialog Form with React
React Portal to inject any component anywhere in DOM
Easiest way to work with modals in React
Modal with React Hooks: Write less, do more
react-bootstrap/Modal + hook
Building a YouTube Clone With React — Part 1 : In this tutorial, we will start building our YouTube clone by using YouTube Data API v3 and React
Building a YouTube Clone Using React — Part 2 : In this tutorial, we will continue building out YouTube clone by building the home page showing the Recommended Videos
Download HTML as a PDF in React : react-pdf/renderer
How to Display PDFs but Prevent Them From Downloading in React
Removing the Download Button
Preventing Right-Clicks
Introducing react-pdf
Preventing Print and “Save as PDF”
A More Robust PDF Viewer
State Management
With Hooks
Redux vs. Context vs. State (很棒的文章)
State Management Philosophies
The Store-Owns-All Era
Features-Own-Data Era
Components-Own-Data Era
State Management Styles
Component state
Instance variables and mutatable refs
React-Redux using Connect/Hooks
So Which Should I Use?
React state
This should still be used for your UI state. Unless your UI state is necessary to know globally, I highly encourage you to house that data here.
useRef and instance variables
But if you have some sort of data that needs storing and is used central to that component, but you don’t want a re-render from it, it can be a trick that comes in handy.
I think context should be generally used for static data that is passed throughout the application, such as for theming, and it’s particularly good at that. It doesn’t pollute the store and is very simple to collect.
As I said above, my habit is to use a tool like Redux or Apollo for my data management, my React state handles local information, often UI state, and context handles static data, such as theming.
React State Management in 2020
Local state -> Hooks
Global state -> Redux/MobX
What’s the Benefit of a State Management Framework?
Globally defined, which means only one instance of the data
Only fetching remote data once
Extensive dev tools
Provides a standardised way of working for software engineers
State Management with React Hooks and Context API in 10 lines of code!
createContext, useContext
State Management: React’s Context API vs Redux!
For simple or low-frequency updates like theme settings, user authentication data, React Context is the perfect choice. On the other hand for complex or high-frequency update Redux should be used.
State management with React hooks
Custom state manager
Passing actions
Working with contexts
State Management with React Hooks — No Redux or Context API with use-global-hook
The basics of Hooks
Sharing states
Separating actions from components
Global Cached State in React using Hooks, Context, and Local Storage
Context Using Hooks
Adding in Local Storage
In addition to localStoarge there is also sessionStorage which is only persistent across the single session.
Why we still need to use state management libraries in React?: Why using just React’s state mechanism is a bad idea
How to Develop Global State For Your React App With Hooks, Without Context
Step 1: Global variable
Step 2: Re-render on Updates
Step 3: Container
Step 4: Scoped Access
Step 5: Functional Updates
Step 6: Reducer
Step 6: Concurrent Mode
Lifting State Up
Before Hooks
Where to Hold React Component Data: state, store, static, and this
Local state
Redux store
this.<something> (ES2015)
Static (ES2015)
How to approach React tasks, two mindsets
You should split the task in to at least these two pieces:
State Management
State Rendering
Why State Management is All Wrong
Stated Libraries
State of React State Management in 2019
Understanding ReactJS — setState
Updating state
setState is asynchronous (*)
setState accepts a function as its parameter
setState is … synchronous?
setState accepts a callback
setState calls are not guaranteed to be applied immediately.
There are two forms of setState: one takes an object, and the other takes a function.
If your setState relies on state or props values, you need to use the functional form.
Never refer to this.state or this.props inside your setState. Instead use state and props arguments of the setState`s update function.
One does not simply “setState”
Introducing the setState with callbacks
Reusable setState
React Context API (v16.3.0+): promise of a better future
Redux: It just works. And there’s middleware!
Redux-thunk, Redux-saga and Redux-observable are useful for working with asynchronous stuff which are less optimal when handled by Redux alone.
Unstated: This is so elegant
Mobx: The road less traveled
Apollo Link State: One query to rule them all?
The React State Museum / GantMan/ReactStateMuseum
Here’s the most basic structure of state management, it depends only on the fundamental understanding of components and their encapsulation. In many ways, this is a great example for beginners in React.
React Context (React 16.x)
Redux — by Dan Abramov
MobX — by Michel Weststrate
MobX is one of the EASIEST state managers to get started with.
unstated — by Jamie Kyle
Unstated was as easy as MobX
MobX-State-Tree — by Michel Weststrate again
Apollo GraphQL with Amazon AppSync
setState + react-automata — by Michele Bertoli
Freactal — by Dale while at Formidable
ReduxX — by Mikey Stecky-Efantis
pure-store — by Arthur Gunn
A different way to manage state in React
No-boilerplate global state management in React (2018.10)
The package, named reactn, exports an exact copy of React, except the Component and PureComponent properties extend the originals by adding the global member variable and setGlobal method.
4 Different Approaches to Non-Redux Global State Libraries
Approach 1: Multiple Contexts
This approach is probably the most idiomatic. One could easily implement this approach with React context and useContext.
Here’s A Simpler Alternative to Redux : Using a container metaphor to provide a minimal and modular microservice-esque solution to managing state.
Approach 2: Select by Property Names (Or Paths)
This approach is to put more values in a single store. A single store allows you to dispatch one action to change multiple values. You specify a property name to get a corresponding value. It’s simple to specify by a name, but somewhat limited in a complex case.
Approach 3: Select by Selector Functions
Only two lines are changed from the previous code. Selector functions are more flexible than property names. So flexible that they may be misused like doing expensive computations. Most importantly, performance optimization often requires you to keep object referential equality.
Approach 4: State Usage Tracking
Notice the state part is changed from the previous code. The dispatch part is not changed. This approach eliminates selector functions, and it’s hardly misused. One big concern is performance optimization. It’s out of the scope of this post, but according to some benchmarks, it’s actually fairly good. Please check out the other post if you are interested.
Effortless Render Optimization: Try react-tracked and reactive-react-redux for state usage tracking with React hooks
with react-tracked
How To Use React-Tracked: React hooks-oriented to-do list with immer
Replacing Redux with React Hooks and Context: A small concrete example with reactive-react-redux
Types and reducers
Action creators
Avoid React state update warnings on unmounted components
Leaky Components: Avoiding warnings on unmounted react component
猴子也能看懂的 React 教學 - 4 - 從 React 走向框架,把後端移到前端
React router & Redux
The only introduction to Redux (and React-Redux) you’ll ever need
Redux for Javascript Applications.
Redux is a state container
Redux is Predictable
Redux Core Concepts You Need to Know: Redux is simple and very powerful
Redux makes your life easier by giving you one place to:
store your application state.
manage your application state.
notify interested parties when the application state changes.
Redux is based on 3 primary principles.
All app data is stored in a single state object called the state or state tree.
The state is read-only. It can only be changed by dispatching an action to the store.
To describe state changes you must write a function that takes the current state and the action to perform. The function must return a new updated state, not a modified version of the existing state. These functions are called Reducers.
Parts of Redux
The Store
I created the exact same app with Redux and React. Here are the differences.
React ToDo:
Redux ToDo:
Building a Simple CRUD App with React + Redux
Improving Redux Reducers in 3 Ways: With objects, classes, and functional programming
Getting Started
Basic Tutorials
Intermediate Concepts
Advanced Topics
12 Things Not to Do When Building React Apps With Redux
Placing Actions and Constants Into One Place
Placing Reducers Into One Place
Naming Your Variables Poorly
Changing the Data/Type Structure Mid-Way
Developing Without Using Snippets
Ignoring Unit/E2E/Integration Tests
Skipping the Brainstorming Phase
Not Determining the UI Components Beforehand
Not Planning the Data Flow
Not Utilizing Accessor Functions
Not Controlling the Flow in Props With Destructuring and Spread Attributes
Long-term React & Redux SPA — Lessons learned
Lesson #1: Reducing the Redux boilerplate
Lesson #2: Containers on steroids
Lesson #3: Handling controlled and uncontrolled inputs
Lesson #4: Managing relational data
Lesson #5: Error reporting
How to Setup Redux - Minimize Boilerplate, Speed Up Development
Try These Instead of Using Immutable.js With Redux: Try Immer, the Redux Toolkit, Seamless, or no library at all
Why you should stop using the “container/presentational” pattern in Redux
5 Really Good Reasons to Use Redux Over Context
It’s Very Hard to Debug
It Cannot Be Extended
It Does Not Separate Logic From Presentation
It is Slow
It’s Not Shorter or Easier
with CRA
React — redux for lazy developers
Optimistic Updates in React : How to do optimistic updates in React using Redux
Install redux-offline and redux-thunk as dependencies
Progress bar
Implementing a React Progress Bar Managed Through Redux
Creating a Progress Bar in React
Step 1: Create a new component file and set up the appropriate imports.
Step 2: Create the progress bar HTML components.
Step 3: Calculating the progression.
Step 4: Controlling the progress.
Step 5: Error handling.
How to Make a Download Progress Indicator in React with Axios
Implementing redux and react-router v4 in your react app (part 2)
Demystifying mapStateToProps for beginners to React and Redux
Exploring Alternatives to the Switch Statement in the Redux Reducer
Understanding Javascript Selectors With and Without Reselect
Increase your React + Redux Application Performance With the Reselect Library: Squeeze more performance out of your React and Redux applications with selectors
What Do Selectors Look Like?
Adding Reselect library
Installing Reselect Library
Creating Your First Selector
Create a Weather App in React.JS : Learn how to create a weather app using React, Redux, TypeScript and Tailwind.
Functional Reactive Programming with React / Redux / Redux-Observable / TypeScript Strict Mode
Getting Started With TypeScript and React Function Components
Why you should use an object, and not an array, for lists in Redux
Redux Store
Connecting React component to Redux store with render callback
Redux Store Setup for Your React Application
The store skeleton
Add the first reducer
Combine your reducers
Middlewares or not middlewares?
Finally, the store configuration
here’s our implementation of createStore and combineReducers, which cover the most common APIs of Redux
Asynchronous Redux
Don’t use async Redux middleware
don’t use async Redux middleware: write your own async Redux middleware instead.
How I developed a Concurrent Mode friendly library for React Redux
How to load data in React with redux-thunk, redux-saga, suspense & hooks
The benefit of Redux-Saga in comparison to Redux-Thunk is that you can avoid callback hell. Also, you can more easily test your asynchronous data flow.
Redux-Thunk, however, is great for small projects and for developers who just entered into the React ecosystem.
The Fetch API and Asynchronous Redux State
Organizing Large React Apps: An opinionated tech stack and structure
CSP vs RxJS: what you don’t know.
How to Build a Chat Application using React, Redux, Redux-Saga, and Web Sockets
Redux is synchronous
Redux Side-effect Middleware (asynchronous)
Simplify Redux Reducers with Lenses
Redux 101
The Problem
lensPath & lensProp
5 Alternatives to React Redux in 2020
Apollo GraphQL
Context API and React Hooks
Should You Use React Context over Redux in React Application?
When to Use Redux
Same piece of data in multiple places
Multiple views that need to work with same data in sync
Data can be changed by multiple actions/multiple users
Using Context in React Application
Create Actions
Create State
Create Reducer
Create Context
Create Header component
Redux & Hooks
Hooks (React Redux doc)
React Redux | 小孩子才做選擇! Hooks 和 Redux 我全都要!
React Redux
安裝或更新至 v7.1.0
Reducer & Store
Component 不需要再經過 Connect 了!
React Hooks(三):Redux-React-Hook
所以一直有意見認為React Hooks可以取代Redux,其實是捉錯用神,React Hooks最能夠取代的,其實是react-redux,也就是React與Redux相連的部份。而Redux本身,只是為前端代碼提供結構。情況與React Context很相似,當React Context一推出時,亦有聲音認為Context API將可取代Redux,其實最新版本的Redux,正正是基於Context API所開發,只有將Redux的核心概念,包括action、reducer、state等概念引入React,才可以真正取代Redux。
Stop Asking if React Hooks Replace Redux
Redux is and has always been optional!
React hooks and Redux aren’t trying to solve the same problems!
Redux is a state management library. Hooks are part of a recent update to React and let you write functional components that do everything you used to need a class component to do.
React hooks were developed for three main reasons:
It’s difficult to reuse logic between class components.
Lifecycle methods often contain a confusing mix of unrelated logic.
Classes can be difficult for both machines (and humans) to understand.
That being said, React hooks do give you a few new options for managing application state. Notably, the methods useState, useReducer, and useContext give you new ways to maintain your state that are arguably better and more organized than the options React gave us before hooks.
React hooks don’t let your React app do anything it couldn’t do before!
React-Redux has its own hooks, too!
Clean Up Redux Code with React-Redux Hooks
Redux Hooks in React: An Introduction
Understanding the useSelector Hook
Dispatching actions with useDispatch hook
Other Redux Hooks
There’s no need to frame React hooks and Redux as technologies in competition.
Refactoring Redux into React Hooks: Redux is awesome and you could still use it. But do you need it for all your features?
use Hooks
Use context to deliver one change to multiple consumers
Suspense (React v16.6)
How to Use React.lazy (16.6.0 released on 2018/10/23)
React lazy, Suspense and Concurrent React Breakdown with Examples
How to use React.lazy and Suspense for components lazy loading
Lazy Loading React Components (with react.lazy and suspense)
Infinite component scrolling with React.lazy and IntersectionObserver
Things you must know about React JS | Custom hooks/Lazy Loading /HOCs
Creating a Lazy React Components Provider
In this story we’ve seen how to use a couple of React’s tools (useMemo and lazy/Suspense) to enhance our components provider and make it more suitable for production use.
Lazy-Loading React Components : Optimize production builds with code splitting
The React.lazy function lets you render a dynamic import as a regular component.
By wrapping the lazy-loaded components in Suspense, we can show some fallback content (such as a loading indicator) while we’re waiting for the lazy component to load.
React Experiments With Suspense for Data Fetching in Concurrent Mode
Everything You Need to Know About React Concurrent Mode in 2020
Understanding the Execution Models of async JavaScript and React
Function Calls
Work Loop
Fibers vs Generators
Diving Into React Suspense Render-as-You-Fetch for REST APIs: A replacement for useEffect-based data fetching
React Suspense: Bringing a Bit of Hitchcock to UI Performance
useSWR — My New Favorite React Library: Make the hard things easy with React’s best data fetching library
A Fundamental Guide To React Suspense : The suspense is finally over with React 18
Code splitting
A Gentle Introduction to Code Splitting with React
Route level splitting
Component level splitting
You definitely should be using Suspense in React — code splitting and preloading
Code-Split Your React App With Lazy and Suspense : Optimize app performance by splitting components, routes, and libraries
How to Reduce React App Loading Time By 70%
The best place to introduce code splitting is in routes. Route-based code-splitting solve half of the issues. But most of the apps are utilizing only 50% of the advantages of code splitting.
React Context (16.3)
React Hooks (16.8)
Server-side rendering
Progressive Rendering for Better Web App Performance
Progressive Server-Side Rendering
一看就懂的 React Server Rendering(Isomorphic JavaScript)入門教學
本章闡述了Web 頁面瀏覽的進程和 Isomorphic JavaScript 的優勢,並介紹了如何使用 React Redux 進行 Server Side Rendering 的應用程式設計。
Say goodby to Server Side Rendering. — SPAs with SEO in mind.
Why you should render React on the server side
Next.js for Server-Side Rendering
Server-rendered by default
Automatic code splitting for faster page loads
Simple client-side routing (page based)
Webpack-based dev environment which supports Hot Module Replacement(HMR)
Able to implement with Express or any other Node.js HTTP server
Customizable with your own Babel and Webpack configurations
Client-Side Rendering vs Server-Side Rendering vs Static-Site Generation
NextJS offers the best of both worlds, by allowing us to build hybrid applications that leverage both server-side rendering and static site generation.
Which To Choose in 2020: NextJS or Gatsby?
And with the release of NextJS 9.3, you can add static site generation to its list of features.
Will Next.js Take Over Gatsby?
Also, you can easily combine static site generation and server-side rendering in Next.js to get the best outcome. For example, for an ecommerce site, you can statically render pages that don’t change very often, like your contact page, shipping information, or post blogs. You can server-render pages that change, like your product pages.
How To Disable SSR for a NextJS Page : How to render your components only on the client-side
Letters From the Dark World of React Boilerplate : Introducing ReacType, a prototyping tool that allows you to create the entire skeleton of a Next.js or classic React application in minutes **
Let’s Create: Blog App With Next.js, React Hooks, and Firebase Backend Tutorial
What’s New In NextJS 10 : Internationalization, image optimization and so much more
8 Simple Steps: Set Up a Project With Tailwind CSS, Next.js 10, and PurgeCSS
Step One: Setup Next.js
Step Two: Add TypeScript
Step Three: Setup Styled Components
Step Four: Setup Apollo GraphQL
Static Site Generators
8 React Static Site Generators for 2019
React static
Jekyll with React
Hugo inside a React app
使用 Gatsby 快速打造靜態 MD Blog (by 簡立學長)
How to leverage your React skills with static site generator Gatsby.js
Styling Gatsby. What should I use? : Deciding between PostCSS, styled-components and emotion
Gatsby is easy to use with styled-components, emotion and PostCSS
Build a Kick-Ass, Blazingly Fast Data Science Portfolio With GatsbyJS and Netlify
Building an eCommerce site with Gatsby, Contentful and Snipcart
The difference between create-react-app, server-side rendering, and Gatsby
react-scripts is a collection of tooling for your React application. It comes with its own development server and build configuration. This build will generate static assets for client-side rendering; but it does not support server-side rendering, and it is not the same as the way Gatsby renders.
Server-side rendering
Server-side rendering (often abbreviated SSR) takes the requested URL sent to the server, builds the HTML on the server, then sends you the finalized HTML and the JS bundle. The JS bundle will allow you to build the other pages without re-requesting from the server.
Gatsby is a React build tool that uses “server-side” rendering to build every page up front. When your customers request a page, your server does not need to build it — it has already been built. The customer just receives the static file that was generated whenever you built your Gatsby project.
Which To Choose in 2020: NextJS or Gatsby
Now that NextJS supports next-generation static site rendering, I recommend using it instead of Gatsby.
How to Create a Navigation Bar With React-Router, Styled-Components, And Infrastructure-Components
Environment, Route, SinglePageApp
IRoute, withRoute
Do You Like React? Then Why Don’t You Configure Your Infrastructure With It?
Have you ever thought about the reasons why you like React?
React is declarative
Imperative programming and side-effects
React components reduce side-effects
Now, let’s look at how you configure your Serverless web-app
Architecture-as-a-Function to the Rescue
How to “useState” in an Isomorphic React App
The “useIsomorphicState“-hook lets you easily share the state between the server and the client in an isomorphic React app
Why Don’t You Use Server-Side-Rendering in Your React App?
Infrastructure-Components let you create, start, and deploy a Serverless Isomorphic React App easily
Your React App Is a Mess Before You Even Know It: This is how you separate infrastructure, content, style, layout, and state from each other.
Proxying APIs with Netlify Functions: How to use private APIs without exposing your private keys
HTML: Setting Restrictions on the API Key
Front End: Hide Your Keys (React)
Back End: Protecting API Keys on Rails
Deployment: Hiding API Keys on Heroku
Deployment: Hiding API Keys on Netlify
Start Collecting Feedback from Users across Your React Apps with : Using the feeder-react-feedback library to start collecting user feedback across React apps in under 5 minutes
Adding Notifications to your React Website
Push API
Voluntary Application Server Identification (VAPID)
How to Control Your React App With Your Voice : Build voice-activated interfaces using the Chrome Speech Recognition API / react-speech-recognition
Airtable package
The easiest way (by far!) to build a real React + Firebase web app (with react studio + firestore)
Firebase + React : Optimizing For The Real World
Switching to Preact
Using Bundle Analyser
WebPack Configuration
Cloud Functions
Network Logs
Cloud functions on Firebase is not production ready at this moment.
Finally, I ended up using the Firebase REST API directly.
How to build a real-time chatroom with Firebase and React (Hooks)
Understanding “Chat” Functionality with Firebase
How to Deploy a React App with Firebase Hosting
Install Firebase Tools
Login to Firebase
Initialize Firebase in Your React App
Auto-Generated Configuration Files
Deploying Your App
How to Use Google Firebase Hosting Service Create a React Progressing Web App (by 簡立學長)
Hosting your React.js and Node.js Apps for Free with Firebase
Create Feature Flags For Your React App with Firebase Remote Config
Simple Email and Google Auth with React and Firebase (with Hooks)
Simple Email and Google Auth with React and Firebase — Part II (with Hooks)
Authentication is hard. Let Google handle it for you.
Firebase Authentication
Adding a user authentication flow into a react frontend with firebase
Authentication in SPA (ReactJS and VueJS) the right way
Security prerequisites
Encrypted communication (httpS)
Do not use URL query parameters to exchange sensitive data
Prevent brute-force attacks
Update your dependencies on a regular basis
Add monitoring
Bearer Token
Authentication cookie
Session cookies
Permanent cookies
Google Analytics
Google Map
Google Sign-In
Passwordless Sign-In With Google’s One Tap for Web with Google Sign-In library
Google Spreadsheet
Hot reload
How To Boost the SEO of Your React App
The Problems With React
Problem 1: Single URL for all pages
Problem 2: Single meta tag
Problem 3: All is JavaScript
If you really care about SEO, then you should consider building an isomorphic application.
Next.js and Gatsby are two great options to consider for this purpose.
But I Don’t Want To Use Anything Else
Step 1: Solving the single-URL problem
There is an awesome library named react-router that helps us to render content based on a URL.
Step 2: Solving the meta tag problem
Now we will use another great library named react-helmet.
Step 3: Solving the JavaScript problem
For this, we can use a service named
Easily Generate Meta Tags for Your React App (with react-helmet)
Introducing react-use-database: client-side relational data just got easier
How to Build a Table With Filter/Pagination Without 3rd Party Libraries
React Table
An Introduction to React-Table : A utility belt for lightweight, fast, and extendable data grids
React Table: The Headless Table Library for React
3 Security Pitfalls Every React Developer Should Know
Pitfall #1: Server-Side Rendering Attacker-Controlled Initial State
Pitfall #2: Sneaky Links
Pitfall #3: Misunderstanding What it Means to Dangerously Set
Tips & Experiences
bind() and Functions in Components
Missing key Prop or Using indexes in key Prop
Components Name
Component names have to begin with a capital letter
Close Every Element
Putting everything in Redux
Storing everything as a state
Passing props using spread operator everywhere
Declaring components inside of components
Passing too much information to components
Overoptimizing performance
Huge component trees
Mistakes I made while using React for the first few years
"history of undefined” ERROR
"Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression” ERROR
"Error: Invariant failed: You should not use <Switch> outside a <Router>” ERROR
"Parsing error: Lexical declaration cannot appear in a single-statement context"
Higher-order component (HOC) ERROR
Mistakes Junior React Developers Make
Direct DOM manipulation
Forgetting to clean up after yourself
Not testing (or not testing enough)
Not understanding Webpack
8 Miraculous Ways to Bolster Your React Apps
Love Your Identities
It’s important to remember that you can wrap variables and functions with React.useMemo as you can grant them the ability to memoize themselves so that React knows they remain identical for future renders.
Merge Props to Children
Combine Reducers for a Gargantuan Reducer
Sentry for Error Reports
Use axios Over window.fetch
Use Callback Refs Over Object Refs When Watching DOM Nodes
Make Your Functions Find You
4 things you might not know you can do in React
Forcing a component remount using key property
Passing components as props
Functional updates using useState
Lazy state initialization
8 Useful Tricks for React Apps You Should Know
Create React Elements With Strings
Use Error Boundaries
Retain Previous Values
Use React.useRef for Flexible Non-Stale Value Checks
Use React.useRef for Customizing Elements That Depend on Other Elements
Higher-Order Components
Render Props
React can assign keys to your children, no need to think of creative ways to come up with them
Fragment shorthand
Keep components small
Omitting a prop value defaults to true
Keep your prop names simple
You don’t need super() in your constructor
Keep your logic out of your JSX
Functional components can be called as functions
React — 5 Things That Might Surprise You
Setting the state by using the previous state is unpredictable.
You can use useRef to store a static variable
React can be forced to re-mount a component
Context doesn’t work the way you would expect it to
When used for recurring or complex updates, it’s not that efficient
React has a whole API to deal with the children prop
The Three Best React Icon Libraries
React Icons
Styled Icons
React Feather
Lessons learned
The most important lessons I’ve learned after a year of working with React
10 Things Not to Do When Building React Applications
Spending Too Much Time in Your Own Private World
Using .bind (Not Class Component Constructors)
Passing Dynamic Values as Keys to Children
Declaring Default Parameters Over Null
Leaving Repetitive Code Untouched
Initializing Props in the Constructor
Conditional Rendering With &&
Not Spreading Previous States
Not Explicitly Passing Down Props to Child Components
Prop Drilling
Eight Practices in React That Will Crash Your App in the Future
Declaring default parameters over null
Grabbing properties with square brackets
Carelessly checking empty objects when rendering
Carelessly checking if arrays exist before rendering
Not using a linter
Destructuring when rendering lists
Not researching enough about what you’re going to implement
Not restricting the sizes of file inputs
5 Examples of React Applications Build on Open-Source Media APIs
React Best Practices (and Checklist)
Maintain an Organized Folder Structure
Components — Chunks & Trees. Hey, you’re a Javascript Lumberjack!
Components — Functional and Class-Based
Props! Props to you! Props to me! But no, we’re talking React Props!
5 best practices for writing better React code
Use functional components
Use small components and separate your functionalities
Use JavaScript destructuring to remove redundancy
Use prop-types library (if you’re not using TypeScript/Flow)
Use React developer tools
How I Code When I Work With React
Think Always in Functions
Naming Functions
Don’t Mount and Unmount Repeatedly
No More than 10 Functions Within a Component
If It Doesn’t Change, Just Created It Once and Reuse It
Divide and Conquer
Check Your Prop Types
My Very Personal One, My TOC: Cascading Descending
How to Build an E-commerce Search UI with React and Elasticsearch
Clean Code
JavaScript code cleanup: how you can refactor to use Classes (in react)
14 Beneficial Tips to Write Cleaner Code in React Apps
Destructure Your Props
Folderize Your Components
Use Standard Naming Conventions
Avoid the Boolean Trap
Use Fat-Arrow Functions
Put Independent Functions Outside of Your Custom Hooks
Stay Consistent
Imports and exports.
Naming components, hooks, HOC’s, classNames.
Componentize Duplicate Elements
Keep Your Components Simple
Use useReducer If useState Becomes Complex
Use Function Declaration in Dull Areas
Use Prettier
Use Small Fragment Over Large Fragment
Put Things in Order
Make React Components as Short as Possible
Components Which are at the Same Level of Abstraction Should be Together
Reduce the Number of Props to a Minimum
How To Apply SOLID Principles To Clean Your Code in React : A look at the single-responsibility principle (SRP) in action
Applying the Open-Closed Principle To Write Clean React Components
Building a developer portfolio with React, Cosmic JS, and Semantic-UI
Implementing your Custom CSS Loader Component with React Player
Internationalization in Angular and React Applications — A Comparison
Setting a Goal
Understanding terminology
Implementing Internationalization in Angular applications
Implementing Internationalization in React applications
Caveats and Comparison
Learn I18N and How to Use it in React Project : Internationalization and Localization
The basic concept of i18next
Step1: Create JSON files
Step2: Inject i18n into the project
Step3: Use useTranslation hook (For FC component)
Why you should learn React instead of Angular
React Gives You Freedom
React Uses the Virtual DOM
React is in Demand
6 Tips and Best Practices for a Scalable React Project
Learn how to organize state between local and global state
Learn the benefits of testing and do it from the start
Adopt tools to help you scale
Organize your project files well
Build your UI/logic component library
Decouple your logic from your component with hooks
Github pages
Uploading Files in React While Keeping The UI Completely In Sync
Creating Real-Time Autocompletion With React: The Complete Guide
A detailed tutorial: how to use Shopify’s Storefront API with React and Redux
How We Moved From Wordpress to React and Raised $80 Million
Culture Trip’s website used to be a WordPress site. Now it’s a flexible, universal (isomorphic) JavaScript App powered by Next.js, React, MobX and Styled-Components on the front-end that uses WordPress as a semi-headless CMS.
Simple Beds: Building an Airbnb like search app with ReactiveSearch
Component#1: ReactiveBase
Component#2: NumberBox
Component#3: DateRange
Component#4: RangeSlider
Component#5: ResultCard
Folder structure
Choosing the best folder structure for your React application
How I structure my React apps (with Redux)
It can be done using a Revolver — a library that helps in locating a module by its absolute path.
Structuring React Components for Easy Imports
this technique is called barreling
Organising Your React Application
Best practices for components usage
Component files naming
Components naming
Container component naming
AVOID creating components with dependent state on props — except initial values
React component — setState()
AVOID Creating new references in render() — use handler functions
How to write event handler functions to avoid new references
Use React.PureComponent and React.memo
Avoid default export
Use an index file to re-export your components
The awaited structure
Main index.tsx
An Opinionated Guide to React Folder Structure and File Naming
2 Simple and Effective React File Naming Convention Tips
Match your component-related files with the component name
Name non-component files based on what they are or do
2 Best Practices For React File Structures
Tip 1: Use This Versatile Folder Structure
Under the src folder, we have child folders for assets, components, and utility functions.
Tip 2: Take Advantage Of Webpack For Indexing Files
Taking decisions to structure big projects with Hooks, Stores, Services and more…
Choosing a files naming convention
Structuring Files and Folders
The layers that we have to work with components in our projects
How to connect all these layers?
3 Ways to Analyze React Performance with Reactime
State Snapshots & Time-Traveling Feature
A/B Testing your App’s Performance Using “Save Series” Feature
Proven Metrics to Further Analyze Your App
Reactime is a performance tool that serves as a one-stop shop for state management debugging and optimization.
React is Slow, React is Fast: Optimizing React Apps in Practice
Cutting Components To Optimize Them
Beware of Object Literals in JSX
Simple Ways To Speed Up Your React App
Use keys!
If you miss keys, or, even worse, make them not unique, not only your app will perform slow, but it may lead to some frustrating bugs.
Use virtualized lists!
Use React profiler!
Use useMemo!
Use React Concurrent Mode?
Mitigate Common Performance Issues
Avoiding Reconciliation
Evaluate Prop Passing
shouldComponentUpdate (class component)
React.PureComponent (class component)
React.memo (functional component)
Virtualizing Long Lists
Optimizing React App Performance
Virtual DOM and Reconciliation
Optimizing the Components
How to identify and resolve wasted renders in React
Using shouldComponentUpdate method
Using pure components & React.memo
Making Data Immutable
Avoid passing a new reference for the same old data
Making stupid React smart in re-rendering
Takeaway 1: Parent component pretty much does not care about its children
Takeaway 2: use the children prop
Takeaway 3: use React.memo (functional component)
Takeaway 4: Use PureComponent/shouldComponentUpdate (class component)
Takeaway 5: Deal with functions from props when comparing
Then how can we deal with functions in props? Well, there are two ways:
Exclude them
Stringify them
These Tips Will Boost Your React Code Performance
ComponentDidCatch(error, info) {} Lifecycle Method
React.lazy: Code-Splitting with Suspense
React.Fragments to Avoid Additional HTML Element Wrappers
Tips to Speed Up React Apps
Use React.PureComponents
Implement Immutable Data Structures
Take Out Unnecessary Source Code
Use Constant and Inline Elements
Get Chunky
Use Gzip or Brotli Compression
Use Eslint-plugin-react
Invoke High Order Components
Use Connect()
How to Optimize React: Tools to Speed Up React
React Developer Tools
The Chrome DevTools Performance Timeline
Improve React Performance: By eliminating unnecessary renders
Pre-Optimization — Don’t Abuse Keys!
Optimization — Use PureComponent
Optimization— ShouldComponentUpdate
Easily Improve the Performance of your React App: Understand what PureComponents are and how to use them to improve your React apps
React.PureComponent is similar to React.Component. The difference between them is that, React.Component doesn’t implement shouldComponentUpdate(), but React.PureComponent implements it with a shallow prop and state comparison.
If your component is a functional component, you can use React.memo method by passing the component to it which will give the same result as PureComponent
React. 5 tricks to improve the performance of your applications
Lazy Loading
React.memo and useMemo()
Virtualized lists
How To Improve Rendering Performance in a 1,000-Item React List : with react-virtualized
Virtualized Rendering From Scratch in React : without react-virtualized
Advanced React Optimization Techniques
Exploring Caching Techniques in React : How to use memoization, contexts, useMemo, useState, and useEffect
Performance Optimization Techniques In React
Use the Production Build
Bundling and Minification
Don’t use an array index as the key when using .map()
Spreading props on DOM elements
Update Components Only When Necessary and Required
Immutable Data Structures
Performance Optimization Techniques In React
Using Chrome Performance Tab to track events
Avoiding Props in Initial States
Function Binding
Remove Unnecessary Source Code and Keeping it Simple
Gzip compression
Use connect()
Dependencies Optimization
Windowing Technique
10 Ways to Optimize Your React App’s Performance
Virtualize long lists
Caching functions
Using reselect selectors
Web worker
Lazy loading
5 Recommended Tools for Optimizing Performance in ReactJS
<Profiler />
React Developer tools
Performance timeline (Browser profiling)
React Performance Optimisations
What is Re-rendering?
Using React Profiler to Identify Slow Commits
Resolving Unnecessary Re-Rendering with useMemo
10 Tips and Tricks to Boost Your React App’s Performance in 2020
5 Simple Ways to Boost Your React Web App Performance
Avoid Using Anonymous Functions
Avoid Using Inline Styling
Use React Virtualized for Displaying Large Data
Use PureComponent
Use React.Fragments
Journey of Improving React App Performance by 10x
Remove all Inline Functions
Avoid modifying the state if there is no change in state from your Redux store
Conditional rendering of the components
Remove unnecessary awaits and use Promise.all() wherever applicable
Improve Performance in React.js Using Hooks: Understanding the power of useCallback and useMemo
Boost Performance of Your React App With Memoization
useMemo Hook
Records and Tuples will change how React developers write code
A great tool for React developers
Example with useMemo
Example with useEffect
Follow these steps to build production-grade workflow with Docker and React
An example CI/CD Process for React Apps with Docker :Using GitHub and CircleCI to build React/NGINX Docker images ready for shipping to production
How to plan and organize a React project — by building a weather app
Planning our application
Create a mockup
Break the UI into components
Arrange all components in a hierarchy
Define where state should live
Organizing our project
Folder structure
Class-based vs. functional components
If your class-based component only has a render method, make it a functional component.
CSS modules
Building the application
Build a static version of your application
Identify and implement the minimal state your app needs
Add functions to mutate state and thus make the UI interactive
Styled Components
Getting the Most Out of Styled Components (7 Must Know Features)
Passing Props
Auto Vendor Prefixing
Extend styles
Dynamically changing elements
Global styles
Referencing components inside CSS
Styled-Components — Mastering the Fundamentals Through Practice
JavaScript Template Literals and styled-components (ES6)
Tagged Templates
Using Tagged Templates
Styled HTML elements
Styled React components
Building a Reusable Component System with React.js and styled-components
Building a React component library with styled-components: Input Field
9 React Styled-Components UI Libraries for 2018
Zendesk’s Garden React components
Grommet V2
React CSS loaders and Styled loaders
Styled icons
Build a Reusable Responsive Card Component with Styled-Components
Your React App Is a Mess Before You Even Know It: This is how you separate infrastructure, content, style, layout, and state from each other.
Create a Responsive Grid With React, Flexbox & Styled-Components
7 tricks to work with Styled Components
Use of the Context API
Change a styled component type
Reference elements within the styled component
Reference other styled components
Extend styled components
Define dynamic properties
Pass attributes
How to Create Custom Tabbed Card with React, Styled-Component
Typesafe Global State with TypeScript, React & React Context
Setting up a Full-Stack TypeScript Application: featuring Express and React
Getting Started With React and TypeScript Pt.2 – Basic Types
Getting Started With React and TypeScript Pt.3 — Interfaces, Components & Hooks
Getting Started With React and TypeScript Pt.4 – Tips on Getting Started
You probably need a build toolchain
You probably want to use new JavaScript language features
You will probably want to support legacy browsers, such as IE11, and quirky Android/IOS browsers
You probably want your website to be performant (bundling of CSS/JavaScript)
You can be a more efficient developer by using plugins like Hot Module Reloading (HMR)
We discuss how to use Webpack and Webpack Dev Server with zero-configuration
We enable compilation using Babel, add support for HMR, SCSS, image processing, and development/production builds
You might not need a build toolchain
Pro: Your code will be waaaaay smaller, and probably a lot more performant.
Con: You cannot use JSX.
git, Github, NPM, Webpack, Babel, React, ESLint
22 Miraculous Tools for React Developers in 2019
Webpack Bundle Analyzer
Complex Web Applications — Part 1
NVM (node version manager)
NPM (node package manager)
Is This a Dependency or a DevDependency?
Test frameworks: Mocha, SuperTest, Nightwatch, etc., as well as their dependencies such as ChromeDriver
Code-coverage tools, such as nyc and coveralls
Linters and code formatters, such as the already mentioned ESLint, TSLint, and their plugins/dependencies
Servers used for local development, like serve, http-server, sirv, and many more
Documentation tools, such as JSDoc and TypeDoc
Dependency Injection
A dependency injection setup for React applications :with InversifyJS
Advanced Dependency Injection in React : Extend React dependency injection with InversifyJS
Dependency Injection with React
Using props allows dependency injection
Using context is another method for dependency injection
JSX is also a method supported by React for dependency injection
Top 11 Essential React Libraries Every Web Developer Should Know to Build Sustainable Applications
Create React App
UI Components
React DnD
Styled Components
React Virtualized
Redux Form
React Router
My Favourite React Stack: From setting up a new project to state management and more, this is what I use
Bootstrapping a New Project
State Management
SASS, CSS modules, and CSS in JS
React Router
React Hook Form
How to Run Linters Before Committing in Your React Project: Using Husky, lint-staged, and ESLint
Config Eslint and Prettier in Visual Studio Code for React js development
Resolving Prettier + React: context.getPhysicalFilename is not a function
JSX & Babel
Webpack & Babel
How to build a React project from scratch using Webpack 4 and Babel
Setting A React Project From Scratch Using Babel And Webpack
How to set up & deploy your React app from scratch using Webpack and Babel
A Complete Webpack Setup for React: Build a React project with Webpack 4 and Babel 7
A tale of Webpack 4 and how to finally configure it in the right way
Summary of Webpack 4 Fundamentals by Sean Larkin (Part 1 of 4: Why Webpack?)
Customize webpack configuration of React App created with Create-react-app
Webpack From Zero to Hero
The solution
Upgrade Webpack to version 4+
Enable Build-time gzipping using the Compression Webpack Plugin
6 Webpack Concepts for Advanced React Developers
Development Server
React Native for Web
React & Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)
Making a Web App Offline Compatible: State Persistence: The easiest way to persist redux state for PWA’s
How to Use Google Firebase Hosting Service Create a React Progressing Web App (by 簡立學長)
Progressive Web Apps and React.js
Service Workers
5 Ways Service Workers Reshape Modern Web Apps
Foundation for offline-first web apps
Push notifications
Client-side load balancing
Offline analytics
Automatic failovers
An Important Note About Service Workers
Event Listeners
Adding Offline Mode
JSON server
Setting up a Full-Stack React Application: Using Yarn, Create-React-App and JSON-Server
版本 & 新功能
Why React16 is a blessing to React developers (目前最新版本是16.6, 2018/10/23)
Strict mode
React Hooks (16.8)
Understanding React 16.8 life-cycles, Hooks, Context API, Lazy and Suspense
Here’s a React v16+ Cheat Sheet (PDF/JPG/Custom themes)
Fragments (React v16.2)
How to Easily Render Multiple Elements in React
First Solution: Fragment
Another Solution: wrapping the returning JSX in square brackets instead of parenthesis.
Return Types
Error Boundary (React v16.0)
Static Methods
Component States
Rendering Components
Default Props
Other React Exports
Pointer Events (React v16.4)
React Suspense/Lazy (React v16.6)
React Profiler (React v16.9)
Synchronous / Asynchronous act Test Utility (React v16.9)
React .focus() (16.9)
Making a Reference — “ref”
Calling .focus() on the “ref”
Problematic React Lifecycle Methods are Going Away in React 17
componentWillMount (unsafe)
componentWillRecieveProps (unsafe)
componentWillUpdate (unsafe)
getDerivedStateFromProps (new)
Lifecycle, state and getDerivedStateFromProps (react 16.3)
getSnapshotBeforeUpdate (new)
How to use React Component Lifecycle?
componentDidMount( )
shouldComponentUpdate( )
componentWillUnmount( )
static getDerivedStateFromProps( )
getSnapshotBeforeUpdate( )
Lifecycles for a Happy React Life
Dynamic Import, Code Splitting, Lazy Loading, and Error Boundaries
import() is currently in stage 4 of the TC39 process. It is a function-like module loading syntactic form in JavaScript.
Code splitting & Lazy loading
React implements lazy loading of modules using dynamic imports. Conventionally, when we import a module with React, the module is added and bundled immediately. With dynamic import, when the import statement is encountered, the code split is performed.
The 6 Major Changes in React v17.0 : Surprisingly, there are no new features, just improvements
React 17.0 — The news is that there is no news : Discover the new version change of ReactJS and why there is no news at the moment
What You Need to Know About React 18
Automatic Batching
Avoid React Re-Renders with Automatic Batching
Automatic Batching works only with createRoot.
SSR support for Suspense
The New Root API
Automatic Batching
startTransition API
Suspense List
React 18 is an alpha release right now
The official version of React18 is released, what is the future trend?
React 18: Everything you need to know released on 2022/03/29
React 18 Has Been Released. Implement Mini-React in 400 Lines of Code
React Server Component
React Server Components : It’s not server-side rendering.
React Server Components comes with Zero Bundle Size : React Server Components are still in research and development but will be a huge change for React developers.
Will React Server Components Replace SSR?
Server Components and SSR are complementary to each other.
Let’s look at a few places where you can consider using React Server Components:
If the library we need for a particular component is heavy in size but not used in other places.
Complex components that take time to render in mobile devices.
Places where the code is reusable for the frontend and backend (e.g. PDF preview and download).
On the other hand, you still need to rely on SSR for the following:
Initial loading, layout, or even rich content that users see until the React application is loaded.
SEO-friendly content.
Provide any seed data for React application to render instantly (e.g. logged-in user details) without server calls.
Render Content without Fetching Data
Have Zero Effects on Bundle Size
為什麼會一直說package.json裡有unexpected string?
npm install --package-lock