College Corner

 Hello and Welcome to College Corner! I am your Full Time ASP Dean of College Advising, Ms. Aviles. I am at Aggieland High School every day to answer any questions you may have on the college process. 

Here you are able to find various opportunities to begin preparing for college, scholarships, and anything that includes your post high school graduation plans. 

I speak Spanish! 


Hola y Bienvenidos a College Corner! Yo soy su Asesora de Colegios de tiempo completo, Ms. Aviles. Yo estoy aqui en Aggieland High School todo los dias para responder cualquier pregunta que tenga sobre el proceso del colegio. 

Aqui puedes encontrar varias oportunidades para empezar a prepararse para el colegio, vecas, y todo lo que tiene que ver con sus planes despues de graduarte de la high school. 

Yo hablo Español! 


Every Tuesday, there is an opportunity to prepare for the SAT. 

What is the SAT? The SAT is a college entrance exam used by colleges to determine admissions to their institution. 

Why should you prepare for the SAT? The SAT can be a great way to qualify for merit and institutional (school) scholarships! 

ALL Grade levels are welcome to attend!

If you are interested in participating, use the following link to register for the SAT. Please register by the SUNDAY before the session to ensure I have enough snacks and copies!