2020 Women in Data Science Urbana-Champaign

Call for Proposals for Student Poster Presentations

Deadline for Proposal submission: Extended to Feb 7, 2020

Program Committee:

Jessica Cheng, PhD Student, School of Information Sciences

Ashley M. De Lio, Post Doc, NCSA & Chemistry

Jana Diesner, Associate Professor, School of Information Sciences

Ly Dinh, PhD Student, School of Information Sciences

Phuc Huynh, PhD Student, Electrical & Computer Engineering

Alaine Martaus, Post Doc, School of Information Sciences

Madicken Munk , Post Doc, Nuclear Science and Egineering

Santiago Nunez-Corrales, PhD Candidate, Informatics

Shadi Rezapour, PhD Student, School of Information Sciences

Kristen Vaccaro, PhD Candidate, Computer Science

Lufan Wang, PhD Candidate, Civil Engineering

Eizabeth Wickes, Lecturer, School of Information Sciences


Shadi Rezapour, PhD Student, School of Information Sciences

Jessica Cheng, PhD Student, School of Information Sciences

Alice Delage, Project Manager, National Center for Supercomputing (NCSA)