2020 Women in Data Science Urbana-Champaign

Call for Proposals for Student Poster Presentations

Deadline for Proposal submission: Extended to Feb 7, 2020

The Women@NCSA and UIUC ACM-W invite student poster proposal submissions for the Women in Data Science Urbana-Champaign event on March 6, 2020 in Champaign, IL.

Share your data science research with Illinois!

For the first time at Illinois, the Women in Data Science (WiDS) Urbana-Champaign will host a student poster session, which gives presenters a forum to share their research with peers and colleagues across campus. This event will be held at the NCSA on Friday, March 6, 2020. The deadline for proposal submissions is Friday, Feb 7, 2020.

Join us to showcase and discuss your work, receive feedback, and draw inspiration from this diverse audience! You are invited to present your recent and ongoing research related to data science. You can also report on early stage research, or re-use posters and presentations from recent conferences (2019 or 2020). The submission is open to graduate and undergraduate students at all levels (and all genders). Please note that we only accept submission with students as leading authors.

This poster session will provide a platform for students and their advisors to reach colleagues, potential collaborators, industry stakeholders, and graduate and undergraduate students from across campus. For a list of topics and domains, please refer to https://illinois.edu/academics/academics.html.

Note: Copyright remains with the authors. We plan to post authors, titles, and abstracts on the (WiDS) Urbana-Champaign website. If you present published work, please make sure to honor any prior copyright agreements.

A panel of data scientists from various domain backgrounds will evaluate the proposals based on their contribution, (potential for) impact, and innovativeness.

Please submit a brief description (<300 words) of your submission by Feb 7 at https://forms.gle/vM5Zdib8zzMMQBcUA .

For questions, please contact Shadi Rezapour (rezapou2@illinois.edu) or Alice Delage (adelage@illinois.edu).

To register for WiDS Urbana-Champaign, please visit this website: www.ncsa.illinois.edu/Conferences/WiDSUrbana-Champaign/

Thank you in advance for your contributions and support of research!

Kind Regards,

Student Poster Committee