
Physics-based machine learning

Explore the capability of physics-informed machine learning in establishing underlying rules in engineering data to reduce the lead time in the discovery and design of complex systems in a wide range of applications.

Multiscale Multiphysic Simulation

In this research, multi-physics simulations are developed to understand the coupled mechanical-electro-chemical material phenomena that impact the performance of materials and structures, which will generate new knowledge for the design of functional materials and structures.  

Multiphysics simulation for dissimilar material joints

Mech-electro-chemical coupled simulation for failure model analysis, health monitoring and co-design of battery

Smart Manufacturing

This research focuses on developing physics-informed AI for smart manufacturing


This research focuses on exploring and developing atomistic simulations towards computationally characterizing the complex nanoscale interfacial behaviors in hybrid functional materials system for establishing design principles of functional materials with unique effective properties.  

Interface guided polymer assembly for polymer design

Single cell mechanical response for bio-inspired antifoul surface design

Biopolymer design based on soy protein
