

Our first visit for the semester was a success! We discovered that our plot was mowed, which is important for cutting back on our invasive woody species. We also found our first sign of wildlife! We will determine in a few weeks who is living in the whole on our plot and hopefully give them a name. As of now, our goals include placing stakes by all woody stumps, and possibly removing more honeysuckle on our next visit!


Our plot is starting to green up! Patches of grass are growing through the dead grass from last year. Our wildlife friend is still in its hole and there appears to be no sign of tracks. Our second sign of wildlife was also found, and it appears to be a bunny nest. Due to the fur, we are unsure if nature took its course or if the bunnies shed their fur. We also found some buds forming on the honeysuckle or the apple trees that are on our plot. Last, there was a few signs of Callery Pear trees that missed the mower in the fall. Our goals as of now are to hopefully place stakes on our plot and remove honeysuckle, but with the quarantine, we will have to manage carefully who is on the plot.


The sun was shining bright on our plot today! MORE grass was growing through and now there are little traces of dead grass from the winter. The northern side of the plot had thicker grass while the southern side has more woody weeds. The honeysuckle around our apple trees are starting to grow leaves and our apple trees is growing buds. We also had another siting of wildlife! We had a small hole under our brush of honeysuckle branches we cut earlier in the season. Last, we found some bones of a small mammal on the plot!

