
A page for jobs and training opportunities!

On this page you will be able to look at certification programs, job training programs, and jobs that you can apply to. If you need help understanding or applying to any of these programs, reach out to Zoë! (contact information is on the School Resources page!)


What is a certification?

Job Training Programs

Job training programs are often short, specific programs that award you a certification at the end and give you skills that you can add to your resume. These programs can be as short as a few weeks and can often help you increase the chances of being employed without attending college. If you know you don't want to go to college but also know you don't feel ready to start working right away, or want additional training, these programs might be right for you! These organizations also offer other benefits such as English Classes, Professional Development, Career Counseling, and other services.


There are lots of job openings if you know where to look. Sometimes, it's just about submitting your resume everywhere you can, because a lot of people are applying to jobs right now. If you want to do this the old fashioned way, you can also print out a bunch of copies of your resume and walk around your neighborhood to the corner stores, restaurants, and small business there. Walk in, ask if they're hiring, hand them your resume, and thank them for considering you.