About Us

Mission Statement

The mission of the Illinois Junior Academy of Science is to present science as a rational observation and systematic investigation of natural phenomena; to stress the importance of critical thinking and logical reasoning; and to encourage students to view science as an interdisciplinary study applicable to society and its interactions with the environment. 

About Us

The Illinois Junior Academy of Science exists for the benefit of students in the state of Illinois, by guiding them and hosting several science fairs throughout Illinois, which culminate with the State Exposition. The process students follow when participating gives them insights into the problems faced by scientists and methodologies scientists use. It encourages students to find information concerning new investigations and discoveries in science. It allows students to get experience with scientific equipment, while also allowing them to develop their own investigation beyond the classroom and progress towards a career in STEM.

Want to Support, Join, or Participate in IJAS?

Donors, do you want to support IJAS? Check out the donor page!

Teachers, do you want to get your school involved in IJAS? Check out the teachers and sponsors page!

Students, do you want to work on a project in IJAS? Ask your school to get involved, and check out the student resources page!