Congrats Arun Kumar S for the acceptance of the work "SA-LfV: self-annotated labelling from videos for object detection" in ACML 2024,  in Springier, Machine Learning Journal track.  


Congrats Arun Kumar S for the acceptance of the work "SA-LfV: self-annotated labelling from videos for object detection" in ACML 2024,  in Springier, Machine Learning Journal track.  

Congrats Vamshidhar S, Vaishnavi R, and Vinayak N for the accepted CVIP 2024 papers. 

Congrats Arun Kumar S, Ganesh Sai Manas D, Jaswanth Reddy for the Cuite-SAM work ranked at the 6th position in the "Visual Object Tracking and Segmentation Challenge Results 2024",  to appear in ECCV,  Visual Object Tracking Workshops,  2024.  

Congrats Vaishnavi Ravi, Siddharth Parlapalli, and Sameer Ranjan, for the acceptance of  “Transformer-based Fringe Restoration for Shadow Mitigation in Fringe Projection Profilometry", in ICPR,  2024.

Congrats Vamsidhar for the acceptance of  “NSSR-DIL: Null-Shot Super-Resolution Using Deep Identity Learning”, at BMCV,  2024.

Congrats Chandrashekar for the acceptance of "Inf-Att-OSVNet: Information Theory based Feature Selection and Deep Attention Networks for Online Signature Verification", in Multimedia Tools and Applications, in July 2024. 

Congrats Murali for the acceptance of "GOA-Net: Generic Occlusion Aware Networks for Visual Tracking", in Machine Vision and Applications in June 2024. 

Congrats Vamsidhar and Jayadeep for the acceptance of  “ISSR-DIL: Image Specific Super-Resolution Using Deep Identity Learning”, at NTIRE: New Trends in Image Restoration and Enhancement workshop and challenges at CVPR 2024, (CVPRW),  2024.


We are pleased to announce the following awards won by IIT Tirupati at the Computer Vision and Image Processing (CVIP '23) conference at IIT Jammu:

1) Mr. Sasidhar Alavala (MS student), Ms. Vaishnavi Ravi (PhD student), Dr. Subrahmanyam Gorthi, and Dr. Rama Krishna Gorthi secured first place in the Auto-WCEBleedGen challenge on Automatic Detection and Classification of Bleeding Frames in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy. This challenge featured registrations from more than 360 teams all over the world, with over 60 teams finally submitting their solutions. The participating institutions include IITs, NITs, IIITs, NTNU Norway, and Khalifa University UAE. More details about the challenge can be found at: https://www.misahub.in/CVIP/challenge.html

2) Sree Rama Vamsidhar S (PhD student), Bhargava Satya Nunna (Intern from Andhra University), and Dr. Rama Krishna Gorthi won the IAPR Best Paper Award for their paper titled Effective-LDAM: An Effective Loss Function To Mitigate Data Imbalance for Robust Chest X-Ray Disease Classification. 

 Congrats Mohana Murali for the publication of  "ICG: Intensity and Colour Gradient Operator on RGB Images for Visual           Object Tracking", in The Visual  Computer (TVCJ),  Elsevier Journal.   

 Congrats Vinayak Nagali and Arun Kumar S for winning the first prize in the ICIP 2023 challenge "Infrared Imaging-based Drone Detection and Tracking in Distorted Surveillance Videos". 

Congrats Vamsi SR, Vaishnavi, and Sumanth for your accepted works in CVIP 023.

  Congrats Vinayak N and Arun S for winning the workshop ICIP challenge on denoising.   

Congrats Chandrashekar for the acceptance of “TSOSVNet: Teacher-student collaborative knowledge distillation for Online Signature Verification” in the ICCV Workshop on New Ideas in Vision Transformers.

Congrats  Vaishnavi R for the accepted paper "CF3DNet: A Learning-based Approach for Single-shot 3D Reconstruction from Circular Fringes"  in Optics and Lasers in Engineering.    

Congratulations to Vaishnavi R for "LiteF2DNet - A Lightweight Learning Framework for 3D Reconstruction using Fringe Projection Profilometry" being accepted in  Applied Optics.    

 Congrats Mohana Murali,  Hari Chandana, and Aravind Rajiv,  for the acceptance of  "I-VITAL: Information-           aided Visual Tracking with Adversarial  Learning", in Displays Journal, Elsevier.   

Congrats SR Vamsi, Arun Kumar S, Vaishnavi R, and Gowtham S for the acceptance of  "VISAL - A NOVEL LEARNING STRATEGY TO ADDRESS CLASS IMBALANCE" in Neural Networks, Elsevier. 


 Congrats Mohana Murali,  for the work accepted in "Visual Object Challenge Results 2022", published in Proceedings:  Visual object Tracking Workshops - Europian Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV).

Congrats Arun Kumar S and Abhijit P for the ICPR accepted work “Adv-Cut Paste: Semantic adversarial class-specific data augmentation technique for object detection”. 

A Multi-Task Learning for 2D Phase Unwrapping in Fringe Projection is accepted for IEEE Signal Processing Letters. Congratulations  Mr.K Sumanth, Ms.Vaishnavi Ravi.

Guided MDNet tracker with guided samples is accepted for The Visual Computer. Congratulations  Mr.Pallavi Venugopal.

Congratulations  Mr. KS Vengala, Mr. N Paluru,  for the work "3D deformation measurement in digital holographic interferometry using a multitask deep learning architecture" that has been accepted for JOSA-A.


 Vinayak N, Rama Krishna Gorthi, Arshad J, SiamRPN++D: Improved SiamRPN++ Using Cascaded Detector Sensing, 12th Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP 20-21), 19-21 December  2021. 

S Pathak, C Sindhura, RKSS Gorthi, DV Kiran, S Gorthi, Cranial Implant Design Using V-Net Based Region of Interest Reconstruction, pp. 116-128, Cranial Implant Design Challenge,  MICCAI , December 2021.

"Single-shot circular fringe projection for the profiling of objects having surface discontinuities" has been accepted in Journal of the Optical Society of America A (JOSA-A). Congrats  K. Mandapalli, Vaishnavi.

Congrats Santhan Kumar Reddy for the work “Fusion-Net: Time-Frequency Information Fusion Y-Network for Speech Enhancement” published in Interspeech, June 2021.

  Congrats Gowtham S for the work “Labeled from Unlabeled: Exploiting Unlabeled Data for Few-shot Deep HDR Deghosting”  published in IEEE / CVF Conference on Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2021.

Congrats Jeevan J for the work  “Feature Fusion Ensemble Architecture with Active Learning for Microscopic Blood Smear Analysis” published in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), May 2021.

      Congrats Aravind,  for the work accepted in "Visual Object Challenge Results 2020", published in Proceedings:  Visual object Tracking Workshops - International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2021.

Congrats Mohana Murali,  for the work accepted in "Visual Object Challenge Results 2020", published in Proceedings:  Visual object Tracking Workshops - International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2021.


Two tracking frameworks have been accepted for VOT Challenge 2020 in conjunction with ECCV 2020. Congratulations Mr. Mohan and Ms. Chandana. Mr. Jagadeesh defended his MS Thesis. Congratulations Jagadeesh. A paper on 3D profiling of objects has been accepted for the Journal of Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU). Congratulations Rakesh, Spoorthi and Sumanth.  A paper on anticipation of epileptic seizures by Deep Learning has been accepted for oral presentation at European Signal Processing Conference 2020. Congratulations Sameer.

Two papers have been accepted for Oral presentation at 27th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing  (ICIP) 2020. Congratulations to Mohan and  Sumanth.

A paper on Deep Learning-based phase unwrapping: PhaseNet 2.0 has been accepted for the Journal of IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. Congratulations Spoorthi.

Mr. Arun Kumar S has upgraded from M. Tech, Signal Processing & Communication to Ph.D. Congrats & Best Wishes Arun!


 Ms. Spoorthi has sucessesfully defended her MS Thesis. Congratulations Spoorthi.

Mr. Naveen defended his MS Thesis. Congratulations Naveen. Mr. Arun converted his Mtech program to Doctoral Program. Mr. Vamsi and Ms. Vaishnavi have joined the Lab for Doctoral Program.

Vaishnavi Ravi and Sree Rama Vamsi have joined the Lab for PhD. 

A Tracking framework has been accepted for Visual Object Tracking (VOT) Challenge 2019 in conjunction with ICCV 2019. Congratulations Mr. Suraj and Mr. Naveen.

Mr. Santhan Kumar has joined the Lab for MS by Research Program.

A paper on circular fringe method for 3D profiling has been accepted for 14th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications : VISAPP. Congratulations Jagadeesh.

A paper on Deep Learning based 2 dimensional phase unwrapping has been accepted for the Journal of IEEE Signal Processing Letters . Congratulations Spoorthi.

A paper on Deep Learning based phase unwrapping has been accepted for 11 th Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP 2018) . Congratulations Spoorthi.  A paper on Tracking, Detection and Counting of RBCs has been accepted for MedIMage Workshop, 11 th Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP 2018) . Congratulations Naveen and Mohan.

 Mr. Sumanth and Mr. Sameer have joined the Lab for MS by Research Program. Ms. Sindhura has joined the Lab for Doctoral Program.

 Mr. Mohan joined the Lab for the Doctoral Program.

Mr. Naveen, Mr. Jagadeesh and Ms. Spoorthi have joined the Lab for MS by Research Program.

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Academic Building -1 (DB-2), 

2nd floor,Room No.201 and 202. 

IIT-Tirupati, Yerpedu-517619.  

