IIT Ropar Crèche

"...... to provide home-like comfortable and stimulating environment for all kids."

Indoor Play

Book Reading

Doodling & Drawing

Sleeping Zone

Day-care facility for kids - 7 months to 10 years of age.

Activities to promote physical, cognitive, and emotional developments of the kids.


Ms. Neha Dandhare, Creche Manager

Creche email id: creche <at> iitrpr.ac.inemail id Ms. Dandhare: nehadandhare <at> gmail.com


#C1 / C2 - Type IV Housing Complex

Indian Institute of Technology RoparPhone: +91 - 1881 -

Faculty Incharge:

Dr. Pushpendra P. Singhemail: pps <at> iitrpr.ac.in | +91-1881-242226 (office)


Monday - Friday: 9.00 AM - 6.00 PM

(5 days a week except Sunday and Public Holidays as notified by the Indian Institute of Technology Ropar time-to-time)

Saturdays: As per requirement

(Users may request the creche services on a Saturday. Such request should reach the Creche Manager)

Creche Management Committee:

  • Dr. Deepti R. Bhatula,
  • Dr. Kalaiselvi J.,
  • Dr. Ranjana Sodhi,
  • Dr. Asoka Biswas,
  • Dr. Avijit Goswami

Are you interested to help in building better enviroment for the kids at IIT Ropar?

Volunteering in Creche activities in any form is highly encouraged. Associates of IIT Ropar may submit their suggestions/support in different activities of Creche. If you believe anything that you have can change the game for kids, please write to any member of the Creche Management Committee or to the Creche Manager.