Laboratory of Complex Fluid and Biophysics


Our research domain encompasses complex fluids including polymeric liquids, colloidal dispersions, granular media, and living soft matter such as suspensions of microorganisms, cell sheets, and cytoskeletal networks. We investigate the rheology and dynamics of these complex fluids under various flow regimes and external forcing. Subsequently, we develop theoretical frameworks and models to elucidate the relationships between the microstructure and macroscopic behavior of the material. Specifically, we examine phenomena such as shear thinning and thickening, yield stress, shear banding, and dynamic jamming transitions. Through synergistic experiments, simulations, and analytical theory, we aim to advance a quantitative predictive understanding of the nonequilibrium dynamics and flow properties of complex fluids across length scales. This knowledge will provide insight into transport processes in soft materials and living systems and guide the design of novel complex fluids with tailored functionality.

 Recent Publications-

News and highlights

Complex Fluid Dynamics Symposium: Rheology and Instabilities in Complex Fluids

We welcome Mr. Prince Bhatia, Mr. Shaukat Ali and Mr. Tajamul Ashraf in our group.

Congratulation to Dr. Abhishek Kaushal for getting a Postdoctoral fellowship at Ariel University, Israel

Congratulations to Dr. Praveer Sihota for getting the Humboldt Fellowship in Germany.

 Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, Punjab, India

Department of Chemical Engineering