Teaching Experience

Academic Courses for UG/PG/PhD students

Courses under Faculty Development Program

  • Coordinator for one Faculty Development Program in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning held in December 2020 and supported by TEQIP.

  • Co-Coordinator for a Short-Term Course on Applications of Machine Learning held in December 2020 and supported by TEQIP.

  • QIP Courses on GNSS offered in IIT Indore as Co-Organizer

Academic Programs Initiated

  • PhD Program in Astronomy and Space Sciences at DAASE, IIT Indore since July, 2016

  • Minor Program in Astronomy and Space Engineering at IIT Indore since July, 2017

  • M.Sc. in Astronomy at DAASE, IIT Indore since July 2018

  • M. Tech in Space Engineering at DAASE, IIT Indore since July, 2021

  • M.S. (by Research) at DAASE, IIT Indore since July, 2021