Advanced Functional Analysis and its Applications 2019

Overview & Objectives

Functional Analysis is one of the core areas in Analysis. Several Universities and Institutes offer this subject in their Master's level as well as in their research level. This subject can be taught from many angles depending on the requirement of this subject. Functional Analysis, in its wide sense, includes the study of various aspects of topologies on Vector spaces, stochastic theory, non-commutative harmonic analysis, but its core is the study of normed spaces, together with the study of Function spaces over the various domain, behavior of the operators on normed spaces both from the linear and nonlinear point of view. Even people who are studying Mathematical Economics, Financial Mathematics, Actuarial Science, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering are also using this subject and its various tools in their respective fields. Our prime objective is to offer some advanced topics in this field which would be helpful for a Lecturer and also a research scholar. It is always important and helpful for a Lecturer having a wide range of knowledge in the respective subject and its allied fields. We believe people will get a deeper view and exposure to the subject on attending this workshop.


On successful completion of the course participation certificate will be awarded

Course Material & References

An electronic copy of the lectures and the course materials will be served to the registered participants. The following list of references are suggested for the participants.

  1. J. Agler, J. E. McCarthy, Distinguished varieties. Acta Math.194, 133–153, 2005

  2. F. Altomare, M. Campiti, Korovkin type approximation theory and its applications, de Gruyter Studies in Mathematics, Berlin, New York, 1994.

  3. G. Pisier, Grothendieck”s theorem, past and present. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.(N.S.), 49(2):237-323, 2012.

  4. Jameson Graham, Ordered linear spaces, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 141. Springer-Verlag, Berlin-New York, 1970.

  5. Joseph Diestel, Jhon Jerry Uhl, Vector Measure, Mathematical Survey and Monography 15, AMS. 1977

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