About Department

The Department, founded along with the Institute in 2008, aspires to evolve into an internationally acclaimed centre for theoretical, interdisciplinary and applicable mathematical research, supporting and complementing the expertise extant in and around Hyderabad.

As one of the basic science departments, the department remains as the fulcrum of teaching that offers many foundational math courses for the entire community of students at IIT Hyderabad.The Master of Science programme of the department allows specialisation in two streams, viz., Theoretical Mathematics and Applied Math and Computing.The vibrant doctoral programme of the department attracts students of varied interests and has been successful in creating researchers who are well-prepared to enter both the academia and the industry. The Department has young and dedicated faculty working both in pure and applied branches of Mathematics who actively collaborate with their counterparts from within and outside the department.Faculty members have achieved many distinctions - for instance, they have been invited to be part of research committees of the Government of India, are established resource personnels in programmes promoting both basic and advanced Mathematics and are members of the editorial board of reputed journals. https://math.iith.ac.in/about.html.