Recent Updates  from Group Members

15. Anu won the best poster presentation award in MTIC XIX 2022 at BHU

14. Invited talk  at MTIC XIX 2022 held at BHU, Banaras

13. Invited talk at the conference: FORCE-IICS 2022@Agra.

12. 13th January 2021: Jaydeepsinh was became DST-SRF fellow

11.12th December 2020: Vijayalakshmi gave her PhD Thesis Defense.

10. 21st November 2020: JaydeepSinh was awarded with DST-Inspire Fellowship (JRF).

9. 23rd October 2020: Neha gave her PhD Thesis Defense. 

8. 5th August 2020: Neha presented Pre-synopsis seminar!

7. August 2020: Vijayalakshmi has submitted the thesis, congratulations!

6. 20th July 2020: Vijayalakshmi presented Pre-synopsis seminar!

5. July 2020: Dr. Praseetha has got a paper published in Chemistry An Asian Journal, congratulations!

4. June 2020: Dr. Sudipta has got Senior Scientist position in Piramal, Ahmedabad, congratulations!

3. May 2020: Vijayalakshmi has got a paper published in The Journal of Organic Chemistry, congratulations!

2. January 2020: Vijayalakshmi has got a paper published in Inorganica Chimica Acta, congratulations!

1. 2019:  Dr. Naresh has got Associate Scientist position in Gvk Bio, Hyderabad, congratulations!