
Saturday, October 26

Venue: RE104


08 : 15 - 08 : 45 REGISTRATION

08 : 45 - 09 : 00 Opening Remarks

09 : 00 - 10 : 00 Jerry Bona (University of Illinois, Chicago)

10 : 15 - 11 : 00 Anna Mazzucato (Pennsylvania State University)

11 : 00 - 11 : 45 Hongjie Dong (Brown University)

11 : 45 - 12 : 30 Hung Tran (University of Wisconsin–Madison)

14 : 00 - 14 : 45 Dan Spirn (University of Minnesota)

14 : 45 - 15 : 30 Stanley Snelson (Florida Institute of Technology)

15 : 30 - 16 : 15 Andrei Tarfulea (University of Chicago)

16 : 15 - 17 : 00 Yong Yu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Sunday, October 27

Venue: RE104


09 : 00 - 10 : 00 Fanghua Lin (Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences)

10 : 15 - 11 : 00 Mimi Dai (University of Illinois, Chicago)

11 : 00 - 11 : 45 Xiang Xu (Old Dominion University)

11 : 45 - 12 : 30 Hongqiu Chen (University of Memphis)

14 : 00 - 14 : 45 Masashi Mizuno (Nihon University)

14 : 45 - 15 : 30 Carme Calderer (University of Minnesota)

15 : 30 - 16 : 00 Closing Remarks
