Algebraic Statistics


The organizers of the AS2022 conference on Algebraic Statistics in Hawaii are inviting submissions to the special issue of Algebraic Statistics on the occasion of the conference.

Journal Editors: Thomas Kahle and Sonja Petrović
Special issue co-editor: Elizabeth Gross

Submission deadline:

September 30, 2022.

(select "Hawaii 2022")

Algebraic Statistics, published by the non-profit publisher MSP (Mathematical Sciences Publishers), is an international journal devoted to algebraic aspects of statistical theory, methodology and applications. AStat seeks to publish a wide range of research and review papers that address one of the following:

  • algebraic, geometric and combinatorial insights into statistical models or the behaviour of statistical procedures;

  • development of new statistical models and methods with interesting algebraic or geometric properties;

  • novel applications of algebraic and geometric methods in statistics.