My portrait where I am staring to my right, non-threateningly, as my palm covers the lower half of my beard

Syed Fatiul Huq (Sujoy)

PhD Student

Software Engineering

University of California, Irvine

California, US

✉️  fsyedhuq at uci dot edu

For academic and professional purposes, I am a researcher. In avenues otherwise, I am a story-teller. But honestly, what is a researcher if not a story-teller, with a few lines of code, data processing, statistical analyses and elbow grease.

I am currently completing my PhD in Software Engineering at the University of California, Irvine, under the supervision of Dr. Sam Malek. I have completed my masters and undergraduate study from the Institute of Information Technology, University of Dhaka in the same major. 

For my PhD research, I am working on software accessibility - investigating how people with disabilities use software on web and mobile, and building solution to improve the existing processes. As part of my Masters program, I primarily worked on sentiment analysis in software engineering, looking into open source projects to derive the relation between developer sentiment and their work. My research interest, at large, encompass the human and social aspects of software engineering.

For my alter ego as a "story-teller", I have been an active contributor to SHOUT, The Daily Star, a youth publication of the leading English daily in Bangladesh. I have focused on fiction and feature articles, and the occasional comic strips. I also worked as the editor for my undergrad magazine publication.